馅饼印度面食素食土豆 |
分类: 印巴料理 |
With some hot spicy masala chai... the best, they said!
面团材料:(6-8 片馅饼)
1/2 杯水 (减去1/2 大匙)注:天气干燥的时候可以不减。
盐一小撮 (大概 1/8 茶匙)
1 只土豆 (大约 150-180 克)煮熟去皮
2 大勺 香菜末/芫荽末
1-1 1/2 小勺 青柠/柠檬汁
1 撮 干葫芦巴叶 (Kasuri Methi)
1/2 小勺 孜然 (Jeera/Cumin)
1/2 小勺 盐
1/4 小勺 辣椒粉
1/4 小勺 印度五香粉 Garam Masala
1/4 杯 手粉
1-2 大勺 黄油
2 大勺 食油
1 cup of whole wheat flour
1/2 cup of water (minus 1/2 tbsp)
A pinch of salt (approximately 1/8
For Stuffing :
1 medium size potato (around 150-180
gm)cooked and skinned
2 tbsp Chopped Coriander
1-1 1/2 tsp Lime/Lemon Juice
1 bunch (around 1 tsp ) of Kasuri
Methi (Dried Fenugreek Leaves)
1/2 tsp Jeera/Cumin
1/2 tsp Salt
1/4 tsp Chili powder
1/4 tsp Garam
1/4 Cup of whole wheat flour for
1-2 tbsp
2 tbsp Vegetable oil
1. 把土豆煮熟剥皮,用个叉子压碎,把干葫芦巴叶捏碎和香料一起加入土豆泥里混合备用。
2. 把和好的面团揪出大约乒乓球大小的剂子,擀开包入 2大勺馅料,沾一点手粉,擀开成大约比CD稍微大一点圆饼。
3. 热上一口平底锅,加热大约半茶匙的油,把馅饼两面煎成金黄色。
4. 吃的时候加上一小块黄油,配酸奶和薄荷沾酱。
1. Boil and peel the potato skin, use
a fork to mash the potato, crush the kasuri methi/dried fenugreek
leaves with your palm, add it to the mashed potato with all spices
and salt listed under stuffing. Mix well.
2. Take a small dough the size of a
pingpong ball, roll it out into a small disk, and wrap 2 tbsp of
potato filling into it, pinch the edges to seal well.
3. With the help of a rolling pin, roll the paratha into a flat disk slightly larger than a CD in size.
3. With the help of a rolling pin, roll the paratha into a flat disk slightly larger than a CD in size.
4. Heat a griddle with 1 tsp of oil,
Serve with butter, yogurt
and some mint