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(2012-01-09 14:47:24)


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加利福尼亚州著名的红木国家与州立公园中的北美红杉树是地球上最古老、 最高大的树种。

北美红杉树——地球上最古老、 最高大的树种——在加利福尼亚州著名的红木国家与州立公园的许多景观中名列前茅。

红木公园延伸157公里,位于旧金山北部,毗邻太平洋,于1968年取得国家公园的称号,其中还包括上世纪20年代建立的一些州立公园。这些公园是诸多物种——包括海狮、秃鹰和黑熊——的栖息地,但其中最主要的是沿海的红木森林,其庞大的红杉树 (俗称"古树") 的树龄可达500年至2000年。截至2006年9 月,红木公园内最高的树木高达379.1英尺 (约合115.5米)。

红杉林是具有1.6 亿年历史的一批树木中存活下来的部分,所以今天的红杉树是在恐龙时代生长的一些树木的后裔。1980 年,红木公园被联合国教科文组织 (UNESCO)列为世界自然文化遗址。

Read more: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/chinese/inbrief/2012/01/20120106105033x0.7351452.html#ixzz1iwPs03cs


California’s Redwood Parks Showcase World’s Oldest, Tallest Trees


04 January 2012

California’s Redwood National and State Parks offer many attractions, but chief among them are the parks’ old-growth forests of coastal sequoia trees, which are the oldest and tallest trees on Earth. Known as “the Ancients,” these massive sequoias can range from 500 to 2,000 years old.

Sequoia sempervirens — the oldest, tallest tree species on Earth — ranks high among the many attractions of California’s famous Redwood National and State Parks.

Bordering the Pacific Ocean north of San Francisco, the 157-kilometer property achieved national park status in 1968 and includes state parks established in the 1920s. The parks are home to a multitude of species — including sea lions, bald eagles and black bears — but their primary feature is the coastal redwood forest, whose massive sequoia trees (popularly known as “the Ancients”) can range from 500 to 2,000 years old. As of September 2006, the parks’ tallest tree stood at 379.1 feet (115.5 meters).

The redwood forest is a surviving remnant of a group of trees that has existed for 160 million years, so today’s redwoods are descended from trees that lived during the age of the dinosaurs. In 1980, the parks were designated as a World Heritage site by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

Read more: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/english/inbrief/2012/01/20120104143506nerual0.4681055.html#ixzz1iwPu4aps


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