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(2011-12-14 10:35:00)


分类: 环境与能源








下面叙述的情况取自有关越南清化(Thanh Hoa)和广南(Quang Nam)两省的一个鼓励农村居民改善卫生的试点项目的调查报告。这项调查是荷兰的国际红十字会国际水与卫生中心(The IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre)和河内的ADCOM咨询组织(ADCOM Consultants)在该试点项目展开两年半以后进行的。项目小组负责人是国际红十字会的克里斯廷•西贝斯马( Christine Sijbesma)博士和ADCOM的长春常(Truong Xuan Truong)博士。


水成祺(Thuy Thanh Ky)是越南广南省的砖瓦匠,现年43岁,中学毕业,家有妻子和四个子女。他是升平(Thang Binh)县平潮(Binh Trieu)镇人,原在家乡务农,家境贫寒。1996年,他开始兼做些砖瓦匠零工,补贴家用。他的生意做得不错,两年后,成为全职砖瓦匠。2001年前,他一直与另外七、八个砖瓦匠合伙经营,他的合伙人多数是亲戚和好友。




他和同伴们是通过农村卫生设施营销项目(Rural Sanitation Marketing Project)和负责运营这个项目的非政府组织国际开发企业(International Development Enterprises)学会这门手艺的。尽管水成祺没有直接参与这个项目,但他间接地从这个项目受益。








世界银行水与卫生项目(The World Bank Water and Sanitation Program)以及越南农业和农村发展部的农村供水和卫生合作伙伴项目(Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Partnership)为此试点项目提供赞助。从20031月至200612月,国际开发企业负责项目运作。迪克•德庄(Dick de Jong)是国际红十字会国际水与卫生中心的信息及通讯联络官。

Read more: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/chinese/publication/2011/12/20111213161117x0.6723248.html#ixzz1gTMdhlil


Better Sanitation Leads to New Career

Success making toilets in Vietnam

18 July 2011

Access to sanitary water is only part of the solution to improving health and sanitation in coutnries like Vietnam. Good hygiene practices are also necessary.



by Dick de Jong


“No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.”
Taoist proverb


The story below was excerpted from a study conducted 2½ years after a pilot project had been implemented to encourage rural residents in Thanh Hoa and Quang Nam provinces, Vietnam, to improve sanitation. The IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre from the Netherlands and ADCOM Consultants in Hanoi conducted the study. Dr. Christine Sijbesma of IRC and Dr. Truong Xuan Truong of ADCOM were the team leaders.


Thuy Thanh Ky is a mason in the Quang Nam province of Vietnam. He is 43 years old and has completed secondary school education. He has a wife and four children. Thuy, from Binh Trieu Commune in the Thang Binh District, was a poor farmer until he took up part-time masonry in 1996 to make some extra money. His business went well, and after two years he became a full-time mason. Until 2001, he worked with a group of seven or eight other masons, mostly close friends and relatives.


They started with some small contracts to build houses, and at the beginning, most of the houses did not include toilets. In 2003, the demand for sanitary toilets in the home began to increase, so Thuy decided to concentrate on building them.


Thuy and his fellow masons learned their trade through the Rural Sanitation Marketing Project and International Development Enterprises (IDE), the nongovernmental organization that ran the project. Even though Thuy did not participate directly in the program, he benefited indirectly from its existence.


Thuy obtained a copy of the project’s manual and studied the recommended models. He also learned from masons who had received training. As his contacts in the commune and his technique improved, he got more contracts for building toilets, not only in his own commune, but also in others.


Success after the Program


Customers choose Thuy because his skills are good and he offers a good mix of price and quality. He has built a business network and can draw on other area masons if he needs to share work.

He also is part of a working group of about 20 masons who build about eight toilets per month, working in pairs. His family income has increased and his life is better. Some customers are late in paying, but as they are people from his own commune, he is not worried. To his great happiness, his oldest son is following in his footsteps and has also become a mason.


The World Bank Water and Sanitation Program and the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Partnership in the Vietnamese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development sponsored the pilot project. International Development Enterprises ran the project between January 2003 and December 2006. Dick de Jong is an information and communication officer with the IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre.

Read more: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/english/publication/2011/07/20110718141304yeldnahc0.9011739.html#ixzz1gTMgTUhq


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