(2009-07-03 16:49:03)
股票 |
分类: 价值投资智慧 |
We are often looking for broken growth stories, when a once-great company is no longer considered to be great. The market tends to overreact in these cases, as growth and momentum investors move on to the next new thing and the shareholder base turns. Since I wasn’t in the stock before, I’m not disappointed if something is no longer a high-flier. All I care about is the future potential relative to what I have to pay for it.
Alan Schram, 1.31.07
[W]e basically spend our time trying to uncover the promising turnarounds,
dullards and assorted investment misfits in the market’s underbrush that are largely neglected by the investment community. One of the key metrics we assign to our companies is an “analyst ratio,” which is simply the number of analysts who follow a company. The lower the better – as of the end of last year, about 65% of the companies in our portfolio
had virtually no analyst coverage.
Carlo Cannell, 3.31.06
My returns have actually been slightly negatively correlated to the S&P 500. The reason is that most of my companies have zero momentum, zero hype, aren’t usually in cyclical businesses and have no analyst coverage. Why would they move in step with the market?
Aaron Edelheit, 1.31.08
We often return to stocks that face a cyclical business downturn, but investors are overreacting to the prospect of a temporary dip in earnings. When the Fed is raising rates, for example, investor reaction is usually negative out of all proportion to economic reality. We bought banks,thrifts and mortgage companies in 1990, 1994 and 1999 as investors followed conventional wisdom and sold them.
Wally Weitz, 8.29.05
An area we try to mine is busted IPOs. Buying at the IPO often means you’re
buying from smart sellers, but we’d much rather buy from dumb sellers – which is more likely to happen after an IPO company disappoints in some way and the people who bought in the initial offering bail.
Steven Romick, 7.31.08
Holding companies are particularly interesting now because for some odd reason the discounts to the sum of the parts usually increase in bad markets, even as each part individually becomes more undervalued. That provides two layers of undervaluation.
Francisco García Paramés, 11.26.08
Wall Street’s focus on steady growth in quarterly earnings is ridiculous. I want to go into companies where on a reliable basis over a long period they keep increasing net asset value. That’s what we pay attention to.
Marty Whitman, 5.22.05
In general, we're far more interested in cyclical companies that are well-capitalized, that don't lose money at the bottom of the cycle and whose peaks and troughs are both higher over time.
Charles de Lardemelle, 11.26.08
One general thing we’ll do is focus on areas that are not being talked about. We’ll look at each other and say, “I haven’t heard anything about agricultural- equipment manufacturers. I wonder what’s going on there?”
Donnell Noone, 4.30.08
Music to my ears is when something is considered dead money and people say, “It looks okay, but I’ll come back to it later when this or that issue resolves itself.” That to me shouts, “Look here.”
Jeffrey Schwarz, 5.30.08
Historically, value investors have found opportunity in declining businesses with companies that could milk cash flow and make smart investments elsewhere. The idea, properly so, was that you could get free call on any new-business upside because the stocks were so cheap. This isn’t happening any more in areas of rapid technological change because the cash flows evaporate faster than you ever dreamed.
James Chanos, 7.29.05
I’m looking for steady cash flows, reinvested on owners’ behalf by honest and able management. Steady cash flows come from businesses that, for one reason or another, enjoy the perception of indispensability or their products.
Thomas Russo, 6.30.06