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(2014-09-25 08:51:20)
分类: 托福TPO口语参考答案

1.     Students often want to get better grades in their classes. Explain what students should do in order to improve their performance in a class.


I think there are a couple of ways to help students get better grades. First of all, students need to pay attention to the teachers in class. Because teachers have experience and they can always make some hard-to-understand concepts and ideas easy for students. If students listen carefully and take notes, they will feel easy about exams. Second of all, doing homework is pretty important. It is a very good way to consolidate what has learned in the class. It offers exercises that can help students prepare for upcoming exams.


2.     Some people do not enjoy shopping and shop only when they have a specific purchase to make. Others like to go shopping for pleasure whether or not they have something to buy. Which do you prefer and why?


I think I belong to the first group of people. I just don’t like doing things without an aim. It’s a waste of time and money going shopping when I don’t even know what I need. I think I’m a pragmatic person. I only go shopping when I want something. Like, if I want a computer, I’ll go to a digital shop. Otherwise, I would never go there. Also, I just don’t get pleasure from purchasing since I always have to pay. And when I’ve bought something, I don’t feel like owning it. It’s doomed to be consumed or used up. Things will come and go.

3.     The woman expresses her opinion about the university's plan. Briefly summarize the plan. Then state her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion. 


The university decides to hold two ceremonies because the number of students is increasing, hence making the ceremony too long and because the hall is too small to hold so many students. The woman doesn’t agree with this proposal. As for the first reason, the woman thinks the real reason why the ceremony is too long is that there are too many speeches. Students, professors and administrators all make speeches. Reducing some of the speeches will shorten the ceremony so there is no need to hold two ceremonies. As for the second reason, the woman thinks the hall is big enough to hold all the students. Problem is that right now, each student gets to invite too many guests. So the university can just reduce the number of guests each person can invite. Still, there is no need to hold two ceremonies.


4.     Using the example of the telephone, explain the concept of cultural lag.


Cultural lag is a period of transition when people adjust to new technologies. In the lecture, the professor uses telephone to illustrate this concept. When telephone was invented, only businesses used it because they realized that telephone could benefit them and help them. The general public thought calling someone on the phone was rude because it missed the personal regard. And some people just didn’t like talking to people without seeing their face. However, after a period of time, the cultural lag, the public started to accept telephone. Almost every home had one. Everyone began to use telephone. Friends would call each other to chat. And people didn’t consider calling someone rude as long as they follow certain rules of politeness.


5.     Briefly summarize the problem the speakers are discussing. Then state which of the two solutions from the conversation you would recommend. Explain the reasons for your recommendation.


The man has a problem getting to the campus. His apartment is far from campus. Previously, his roommate Jim gave him rides everyday. But now Jim is moving out and the man himself can’t afford a car. The woman offers two possible solutions. The first one is to take the public bus. But there is not direct line to the campus. The man will have to change buses and it’s a little waste of time. The second one is to live on campus. But the man says he will miss the old apartment. I recommend the man the second solution. Since he has a history project to do. And living alone on campus gives him a good environment and also saves him a lot of time from traveling. I think the missing of the old apartment will go away after he get used to living on campus.


6.     Using points and example from the lecture, explain two ways weathering occurs.


The professor talks about two ways weathering occurs. The first way is by water. When it rains, the water can fall into the cracks of rocks. At night, when temperature drops, the water will freeze. And when water freezes, it expands so that it will push the both sides of the cracks. Gradually, pieces of rocks will break off. The second way is by plants. Plant seeds can take roots in cracks and crevices of rocks since there is enough dirt and water. When roots grow and extend downward to find water, they enlarge and widen the cracks and crevices and so the rocks will break down.



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