(2018-08-10 13:48:15)
自从我读过美国作家Laura Ingalls Wilder的《草原上的小屋》丛书之后,我就一直憧憬着住在乡村。因为我喜欢住在有故事的家里,所以我希望拥有一座特别古老的房子。
What I learned from My Farmhouse
I had always wanted to live in the country—from the time I read Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House book series. And because I love the idea of living in a home that has a story, I wanted a very old house.
In 2002 my husband and I found such a house on a curved road in the southern part of North Carolina. The house was a mess—having been abandoned by official occupants and taken over by unofficial ones—human and otherwise. Crooked windows with broken panes, daylight streaming through the ceiling, and even a small tree growing up through the floor did not dissuade me from offering to buy this old wreck of a house.
For four years we—my husband and our two young children—worked as a family to turn this broken-down farmhouse into our home.
In spite of being drafty in the winter, hot in the summer, and pervious to all sorts of insects, mice, lizards, and the tiniest little frogs you can imagine—no bigger than the size of my pinky nail—we grew to love the place as our home—the home where we raised our children. The chickens, goats, and honey beehive in the west wall all became part of our family and part of our story.
When, after living there for 10 years, we learned that a new job
would take us 700 miles from our farm, we knew that all those
creatures and that country life would become part of our
Our new home is smaller, much newer, much less drafty, and much less extraordinary. And now, with no goats, no chickens, and no bees in the wall, our home seems to be like everyone else’s.
But we have memories and stories and, of course, photos.
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