(2018-08-24 14:14:06)我最喜欢的宠物
Midori F.,12岁
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My Favorite Pets
Midori F., 12
Lakeville, Connecticut
1. Luna (female guinea pig with black and white coloring): Luna is one of my favorite pets because she loves to cuddle with me on the couch and is always ready for a new adventure.
2. Maizy (female
short-haired guinea pig): Maizy is one of my favorite pets because
she is loyal, kind, protective, and smart.
3. Hawaii (female
coral-colored betta fish): Hawaii is one of my favorite pets
because she always comes up to the side of the glass to greet me
when I come home.
For more stories like this, visit: https://china.usembassy-china.org.cn/education-culture/xin-jiao-liu-magazine/every-day-americans/
4. June (female blueish/purple betta fish): June is one of my favorite pets because she is sweet, funny, and has lots of positive energy.
5. Calvin (male American
bulldog, passed away about 4 years ago): Calvin was one of my
favorite pets because I enjoyed going for walks with him in the
wood near our house in Vermont.