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(2016-08-29 08:56:16)
分类: 环境与能源


本文来自ShareAmerica  http://go.usa.gov/xDJZY


你如果通过#1KOceanActions运动分享你的经历,就可能在9月15日至16日在华盛顿举行的2016年度“我们的海洋”会议(2016 Our Ocean Conference)上得到展示。



请访问1000oceanactions.org 网站,在地图上标注你参加的保护海洋项目,并关注#1KOceanActions,在推特(Twitter)上找到其他杰出的保护海洋项目。

Love the ocean? The world needs your story at #1KOceanActions

If you’ve participated in a beach cleanup, campaigned to protect a stretch of coast, or even surfed with a SmartFinyou’re helping protect one of the most precious resources on the planet: the ocean.

Share your story with the #1KOceanActions campaign and you could be featured at the 2016 Our Ocean Conference from September 15 to 16 in Washington.

The Our Ocean Conference will bring together hundreds of the world’s leaders on ocean issues to find ways to preserve this critical resource.

You can be one of them!

Put your ocean project on the map by visiting 1000oceanactions.org and find out about other cool ocean projects on Twitter by following #1KOceanActions.


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