杂谈 |
梅尔维尔·杜威(Melvil Dewey)创造了著名的十进制系统,被全世界200,000多所图书馆采用。现在这种系统即将退出历史舞台。
从常春藤大学(Ivy League)到社区学院,数百所学校已经将图书馆变成了丰富多彩的大学生活中心。装订成册的期刊、绵延数英里的霉变书籍,以及规范正当行为的规则已经一去不复返。取而代之的是内设的咖啡馆、便于交谈的集体学习区、24小时开放时间和为打瞌睡设计的沙发。
西密西根大学(Western Michigan University)图书馆馆长朱莉·加里森(Julie Garrison)说,这些受欢迎的设计反映了对千禧年一代学习习惯的最新思考,同时认识到使用笔记本电脑和Wi-Fi的学生可以在任何地方学习的现实。
新伦敦(New London)康涅狄格学院院长凯瑟琳·伯杰龙(Katherine Bergeron)说:对于图书馆在校园里发挥的作用,人们观念的确发生了彻底的转变。图书馆已经从一个保存知识的场所变成了一个创造和协作的空间。
该学院的查尔斯·E·沙恩图书馆(Charles E. Shain)建于1976年。为了防止阳光照射到书籍上,室内的窗户都很小。最近该图书馆进行了翻修,更强调自然光线和更多的公共空间。
以学术图书馆为研究课题的伊利诺伊州(Illinois)多明尼克大学(Dominican University)助理教授克里斯托弗·斯图尔特(Christopher Stewart)说,校友们都记得在图书馆的书堆中恶补功课的景象。但现在物质上的便利和技术是对传统图书馆功能的补充,而不是取代。
Reinventing U.S. college libraries for the digital age
Roll over, Melvil Dewey, creator of the famed decimal system used in more than 200,000 libraries worldwide.
Behold the 21st-century college library.
Hundreds of schools, from Ivy League universities to community colleges, have remade their libraries as colorful hubs of college life. Gone are bound journals, miles of musty books and rules governing proper behavior. In are on-site cafes, group study areas where talking is encouraged, 24-hour access and sofas designed for dozing.
The welcoming touches reflect the latest thinking about the millennial generation’s learning habits and recognition that students with laptops and Wi-Fi access can study anywhere, said Julie Garrison, Western Michigan University’s dean of libraries.
“We used to think about library design always in terms of the books,” Garrison said. “There is less of a need to protect a print collection in the way we did when it was the only way to get information, and we realized that if we let people bring in food and drink, they would stay longer.”
As books have given way to network bandwidth, college libraries
also are being equipped with media production labs,
At many campuses, information technology professionals take seats alongside reference librarians.
“There really has been a complete shift in the idea of what a library is doing on a campus, a shift from a concept of a place for preserving knowledge to a space for creation and collaboration,” said Katherine Bergeron, president of Connecticut College in New London.
The college’s Charles E. Shain Library was built in 1976 with small windows to help protect materials from sunlight. It was recently overhauled to emphasize natural light and more communal space.
Christopher Stewart, an assistant professor at Dominican University in Illinois who researches academic libraries, said the creature comforts and technology have supplemented, not supplanted, the qualities that alumni remember from their days cramming in “book bunkers.”
“Students demand the social space, but they also demand quiet, contemplative, head-down, time-on-task space,” Stewart said. “They still have that wonderful, sacred notion of the library as a reverent place in terms of scholarship. They still need that same experience we had, but they need a lot more as well.”
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