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(2015-06-18 15:46:43)



内容来源:分享美国  地址连接:http://go.usa.gov/3V3BP

美元是全世界最主要的储备货币,在国际交易中的使用也最频繁。目前美国联邦储备系统发行的货币中有1.29万亿美元 在市面上流通。所有面值的美元纸币,不论1美元还是100美元,都有相同的尺寸、形状和重量,有视觉障碍的人简直无法辨别。他们在付现金的时候往往需要依靠身旁陌生人的善意帮助,或者只能相信店员童叟无欺。

多年来,有视觉障碍的人和因疾病或年龄视力减退的人都按照纸币的面值,利用不同的折叠方式 在钱包中保存现金。但是这种方式仍然需要有人事先告诉他们纸币的面值是多少。

2008年,美国一所地区法院裁定,美国纸币的设计对有视觉障碍的人构成了歧视。于是,制作纸币的美国造币局(Bureau of Engraving and Printing)面临着一个挑战,必须找到一种方法制作便于识别的纸币,同时不会使目前使用的售货机、自动提款机等自动的货币机器被弃之不用。


有视觉障碍的人发明了独特的折叠方式识别纸币的面值。(State Dept.)

技术的进步可以帮助有视觉障碍的人和其他残疾人自行识别纸币的面值。现在有关方面发明了一种移动通讯应用程序 ,可以在纸币上扫描,然后通过音频读出纸币的面值。有视觉障碍的人还可以利用电脑扫描仪和可携式电子货币识别器付款。


与此同时,美国造币局还为iPhone和Android用户开发了纸币识别应用程序,同时开始发放免费的语音纸币识别器(iBill Talking Bank Note Identifiers)。美国造币局在1月6日发布简报说,使用者只要将联邦储备银行的纸币插入设备,按动旁边的按钮,识别器就可以读出纸币的面值。

When you’re visually impaired, cash can be confusing

The U.S. dollar is the world’s most dominant reserve currency and the one most used in international transactions. Federal Reserve notes worth about $1.29 trillion are currently in circulation.  But to someone who is visually impaired, those bills are indistinguishable from one another because they are the same size, shape and weight, regardless of whether they are worth $1 or $100.

For years, people who are blind or whose sight is weakened by illness or age have used afolding system to store bills in their wallet according to their value. That system depends on a sighted person to tell them the denominations. Is there an alternative to depending on the kindness of strangers and the honesty of store clerks?

In 2008, a U.S. District Court ruled that U.S. currency designs discriminated against the visually impaired. The challenge for the Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP), which makes U.S. paper money, has been to find a way to make its bills distinguishable from each other without making today’s vending machines, automatic teller machines and other automatic currency machines obsolete.


The visually impaired have developed a unique folding system to tell bills apart. (State Dept.)

Technological advances are helping the visually impaired and others with disabilities become more independent. There are now mobile phone apps that can take a picture of a bill and speak its value. Blind people also have used computer scanners and portable electronic money identifiers.

To benefit those with limited sight, BEP has been adding high-contrast numerals and larger portraits to bills over the past few years. In 2010, BEP announced that it plans to add raised tactile features to the currency, but such bills would not enter circulation before 2020.

In the meantime, the bureau has developed identification apps for iPhone and Android users and started distributing free iBill Talking Bank Note Identifiers. To use them, a user simply inserts a Federal Reserve note into the device and presses a button on the side for the reader to identify the denomination.


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