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(2014-02-25 11:02:42)
分类: 科学与技术




在天文学家伽利略·伽利莱(Galileo Galilei)发现木星(Jupiter)的卫星木卫三(Ganymede)400多年以后,这颗太阳系最大的卫星终于在地图上有了一席地位。

伊利诺伊州(Illinois)惠顿学院(Wheaton College)的杰弗里·柯林斯(Geoffrey Collins)领导的一个科学家小组绘制了木星的第七颗卫星——木卫三的第一份完整的地质图。这幅地图综合了美国国家航空航天局(NASA)旅行者1号(Voyager 1)和2号探测器(1979年)以及伽利略号轨道探测器(Galileo orbiter )(1995年至2003年)在执行近天体探测飞行使命期间获得的最佳图像,现已由美国地质调查局(U. S. Geological Survey)作为完整地图发布。该地图显示了木卫三表面的各种地质特征。请点击http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/spaceimages/details.php?id=pia17902下载该地图。

位于加利福尼亚州帕萨迪纳(Pasadena, California)的国家航空航天局喷气推进实验室(Jet Propulsion Laboratory)的罗伯特·帕帕拉尔多(Robert Pappalardo)说:“这份地图显示出木卫三不可思议的各种不同的地质特征,有助于从其复杂表面呈现的混乱表象中找到条理。这份地图有助于研究行星的科学家们破译这个冰冷世界的演化进程,并将为今后的探测器观测提供帮助。”

欧洲航天局(European Space Agency)的木星冰月探测器(Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer)使命预定将于2032年左右绕木卫三运行。美国航空航天局为此次使命中由欧洲主导的两件仪器提供美国开发的仪器与硬件。


Read more: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/chinese/inbrief/2014/02/20140219293629.html#ixzz2uIcA5adZ


Largest Solar System Moon Detailed in Geologic Map


13 February 2014

A group of scientists has produced the first global geologic map of Ganymede, Jupiter’s seventh moon.

More than 400 years after its discovery by astronomer Galileo Galilei, the largest moon in the solar system — Jupiter’s moon Ganymede — has finally claimed a spot on the map.

A group of scientists led by Geoffrey Collins of Wheaton College in Illinois has produced the first global geologic map of Ganymede, Jupiter’s seventh moon. The map combines the best images obtained during flybys conducted by NASA’s Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft (1979) and the Galileo orbiter (1995 to 2003) and is now published by the U. S. Geological Survey as a global map. It illustrates the varied geologic character of Ganymede’s surface. It is available for download at http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/spaceimages/details.php?id=pia17902.

“This map illustrates the incredible variety of geological features on Ganymede and helps to make order from the apparent chaos of its complex surface,” said Robert Pappalardo of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. “This map is helping planetary scientists to decipher the evolution of this icy world and will aid in upcoming spacecraft observations.”

The European Space Agency’s Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer mission is scheduled to be orbiting Ganymede around 2032. NASA is contributing a U.S.-led instrument and hardware for two European-led instruments for the mission.

For more on the geology of Ganymede, see this NASA press release.

Read more: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/english/inbrief/2014/02/20140213292854.html#ixzz2uIcBYlj5


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