(2014-02-14 12:55:55)
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分类: 美国人物 |
詹姆斯·卡梅隆(James Cameron)是一位三次荣获奥斯卡奖(Academy Award)的电影人。他还是一位倡导环保和自然资源保护的重要人士。由卡梅隆执导的于2009年公映的大片《阿凡达》(Avatar)是一个有关破坏环境的种种危害的具有警世意味的故事。《阿凡达》描述的是人类的一群士兵和采矿者试图摧毁外星文明以掠夺其资源。
映时台(Showtime)将于2014年4月推出由卡梅隆制作的系列纪录片《多灾凶年》(Years of Living Dangerously)。这部系列片讲述那些曾遭受和气候变化有关的极端天气事件重创的人的亲身经历。纪录片共8集,还将介绍正在寻求应对全球气候变化威胁的方案的专家。
除了通过电影来提高公众意识,卡梅隆还是一名业余科学家。2012年3月,他成为单人潜至海洋最深处的马里亚纳海沟(Mariana Trench)底部的第一人。卡梅隆乘坐他自己设计的潜水艇下潜到海平面36,000英尺以下。卡梅隆一如既往,将这段体验拍摄成电影来唤起大众对深海环境的关注——他希望未来人们能对深海环境有更深的了解。
Read more: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/chinese/inbrief/2014/02/20140206292389.html#ixzz2tGksNO9n
James Cameron, Green Director
James Cameron is a three-time Academy Award–winning filmmaker. He is also an important advocate for environmental protection and conservation. Cameron’s blockbuster film Avatar, released in 2009, is a cautionary tale about the dangers of destroying the environment. Avatar depicts a group of human soldiers and miners attempting to destroy an alien civilization in order to extract its resources.
In April 2014, Showtime will release Years of Living Dangerously, a documentary series produced by Cameron. The series tells the firsthand stories and experiences of people who have been devastated by weather events linked to climate change. In eight episodes, the series will also feature experts who are seeking solutions to the threat of global climate change.
In addition to raising awareness through film, Cameron is an amateur scientist. In March 2012, he became the first person to solo dive to the bottom of the Mariana Trench, the deepest part of the ocean. Cameron reached 36,000 feet below the surface in a submarine of his own design. True to form, Cameron filmed the experience to raise awareness of the deep-sea environment, one he hopes people will learn much more about in the future.
Read more: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/english/inbrief/2014/02/20140203292225.html#ixzz2tGku2E5f