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(2014-02-13 10:43:47)


分类: 环境与能源



作为州、联邦机构和私人土地所有者20年伙伴关系的成果,美国鱼类和野生动植物管理局(Fish and Wildlife Service)2月4日建议俄勒冈白鲑(Oregon chub)不再列入《濒危物种法》(Endangered Species Act)的受威胁或濒危野生物种名录。若此建议获批,该种白鲑(见上图)将成为第一个因得到挽救不再列入名录的鱼类。

作为州、联邦机构和私人土地所有者20年伙伴关系的成果,美国鱼类和野生动植物管理局(Fish and Wildlife Service)2月4日建议俄勒冈白鲑(Oregon chub)不再列入《濒危物种法》(Endangered Species Act)的受威胁或濒危野生物种名录。若此建议获批,该种白鲑(见上图)将成为第一个因得到挽救不再列入名录的鱼类。

这类鱼种于1993年被列为濒危物种, 2010年被归类为受威胁物种。这类鱼种面临的主要威胁是栖息地的丧失和被非本土鱼类掠食。这些威胁在过去20年间通过各方的合作而减少。这类鱼种被列入受威胁名录时,仅有8个已知的种群存在,总数不足1,000尾。据美国鱼类和野生动植物管理局提供的资料,今天该种鱼类在80个地点的种群数量超过150,000尾。

2013年12月是《濒危物种法》颁发40周年。《濒危物种法》使数百种物种避免灭绝的命运。已有26种物种成功地得到恢复,不再列入濒危物种名录(Endangered Species List)。

Read more: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/chinese/inbrief/2014/02/20140207292446.html#ixzz2tANHkqG2

Threatened Oregon Fish Brought Back from Brink of Extinction


05 February 2014

Culminating a 20-year partnership among state and federal agencies and private landowners, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 4 proposes to remove the Oregon chub from the list of endangered and threatened wildlife under the Endangered Species Act. If the proposal is made final, the chub would be the first fish delisted due to recovery.

Culminating a 20-year partnership among state and federal agencies and private landowners, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) February 4 proposed to remove the Oregon chub from the list of endangered and threatened wildlife under the Endangered Species Act. If the proposal is made final, the chub (shown above) would be the first fish delisted due to recovery.

This fish was listed as endangered in 1993 and reclassified as threatened in 2010. The primary factors that threatened it were loss of habitat and predation by nonnative fishes. These threats have been lessened over the last 20 years through partnership. Just eight known populations with fewer than 1,000 fish were known to exist at the time of listing. Today, the population stands at more than 150,000 fish at 80 locations, USFWS said.

The Endangered Species Act, which celebrated its 40th anniversary in December 2013, has helped to stop the slide toward extinction for hundreds of species. Twenty-six species have been successfully recovered and removed from the Endangered Species List.

Read more: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/english/inbrief/2014/02/20140205292357.html#ixzz2tANJhuY4


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