(2014-02-12 16:01:38)
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约翰娜塔·科尔(Johnnetta B. Cole)是一位人类学家、作家和获奖教授。当她在1987年成为执掌位于亚特兰大(Atlanta)的传统黑人女校斯佩尔曼学院(Spelman College)的首位非洲裔美国女性时,受到了全国的关注。在领导学院的10年里,她提高了该校的学术地位、声望和财政健全水平。2002年,她再次担任校长一职,这一次是北卡罗来纳州格林斯伯罗(Greensboro, North Carolina)的另一所传统黑人学校本内特女子学院(Bennett College for Women)。从本内特学院卸任后,不知疲倦的科尔成为史密森尼学会(Smithsonian Institution)所属的国家非洲艺术博物馆(National Museum of African Art)馆长。科尔说,博物馆的工作吸引力难挡,因为它“能让我继续感受教育的力量”。她尤其希望转变一些人认为非洲艺术原始、制作粗糙的先入为主的成见。她说:“我们必须摈弃那些关于非洲、非洲人民、非洲艺术和非洲文化的老观念,而且我必须说往往是种族主义的观念。”
科尔生于1936年,成长在一个成功的、教育良好的家庭。她的祖父亚伯拉罕·林肯·刘易斯(Abraham Lincoln Lewis)在1901年创立了非裔-美国人寿保险公司(Afro-American Life Insurance Company)并成为佛罗里达州(Florida)的首位黑人百万富翁。科尔15岁进入大学学习,计划当一名医生。但她说她后来为人类学而着迷。她的学术工作研究的是非洲、加勒比(Caribbean)和美国的文化。她在2010年全国公共广播电台(National Public Radio)的一次采访中说:“只要能追溯至久远的历史,我们每一个人都是非洲人。”2013年,科尔获得国际民权中心和博物馆(International Civil Rights Center and Museum)授予的最高荣誉:阿尔斯通-琼斯国际民权和人权奖(Alston-Jones International Civil and Human Rights Award)。
Read more: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/chinese/pamphlet/2014/02/20140205292329.html#ixzz2t5oiRLm6
African-American Leaders: Johnnetta B. Cole, Multifaceted Academic
27 January 2014
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Johnnetta B. Cole is an anthropologist, author and award-winning professor. She gained national attention in 1987 when she became the first African-American woman to lead Spelman College, a historically black school for women in Atlanta. During her 10-year tenure, she improved the school’s academic standing, prominence and financial health. In 2002, she again took a president’s chair, this time at Bennett College for Women, another historically black school in Greensboro, North Carolina. Seemingly tireless, after retiring from Bennett, Cole became director of the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of African Art. Cole said the museum job was irresistible because it “allows me to continue to feel the power of education.” In particular, she wants to overturn some people’s presumption that African art is primitive and crudely crafted. “We have to get rid of these old notions, and I must say often racist notions, about Africa, her people, her arts and her culture,” she said.
Born in 1936, Cole grew up in a successful and well-educated family. Her grandfather, Abraham Lincoln Lewis, founded the Afro-American Life Insurance Company in 1901 and became Florida’s first black millionaire. Cole entered college at age 15 with plans to become a physician but said she became captivated by anthropology instead. Her scholarly work has dealt with cultures in Africa, the Caribbean and the United States. In a 2010 National Public Radio interview, she said, “All you have to do is go back far enough, and each and every one of us is an African.” In 2013, Cole received the highest citation of the International Civil Rights Center and Museum: the Alston-Jones International Civil and Human Rights Award.
Read more: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/english/pamphlet/2013/11/20131120287246.html#ixzz2t5olEvrQ