(2012-04-18 14:53:25)
杂谈 |
分类: 环境与能源 |
- 为传递花粉的动物改善和保护它们地栖息地。
- 减少强力化学杀虫剂的使用。
- 参与4月22日纪念地球日的活动。
图片由杜格尔德·斯特默(Dugald Stermer)于2009年制作。
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Earth Week 2012: Protecting Pollinators
Pollinators, those tiny, busy creatures that help plants reproduce, are an essential contributor to our food supply. Here are ways you can help pollinators and make for a more sustainable planet.
Imagine not including apples, melons, nuts, coffee, berries, avocados, sunflowers or chocolate in our diets.
For us to enjoy these and other fruits and vegetables, pollinators must be at work in our gardens and fields. Pollinators are those tiny, busy creatures that help plants reproduce. As they travel from bloom to bloom in search of nectar, they transfer the essential pollen, fertilizing each plant and enabling the plants to produce their fruits and flowers. In addition to the most prevalent pollinators, the bees, others include bats, butterflies, moths, hummingbirds, flies and beetles.
In the United States alone, commercial production of more than 100 crops depends on honeybees.
In our efforts to promote a more sustainable planet and to protect our ecosystems, there are some ways we can help the pollinators, including:
• Improve and protect the habitats of pollinating animals.
• Reduce the use of powerful chemical insecticides.
• Celebrate Earth Day April 22.
The image above was created for Earth Day 2009 by Dugald Stermer.
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