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(2012-02-08 16:14:57)


分类: 环境与能源



美国首都华盛顿市中心的国家大草坪(National Mall)新安装174个发光二极管(LED)节能灯,园区的照明将得到改善,同时能源消耗也可降低65%。

美国首都华盛顿市中心的国家大草坪(National Mall)新安装174个发光二极管(LED)节能灯,园区的照明将得到改善,同时能源消耗也可降低65%。

美国能源部长朱棣文(Steven Chu)说:“为素有美国前院之称的场所配备现代高效能源,没有任何地方比这里更为合适。”


这些灯泡由灯具制造商欧司朗·西尔韦尼亚(OSRAM SYLVANIA)捐助,当地的波多马克电力公司(Pepco)负责免费安装,园区的灯光效果和安全环境进一步改善。每年有2,500多万游客前来国家大草坪参观。

Read more: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/chinese/inbrief/2012/02/201202070960.html#ixzz1lmBY4e3y


Lights in "America’s Front Yard": New, Greener


02 February 2012

The future of the National Mall in downtown Washington just got brighter with the installation of 174 energy-efficient LED light bulbs that will reduce the park’s energy use by 65 percent.

The future of the National Mall in downtown Washington just got brighter with the installation of 174 energy-efficient LED light bulbs that will reduce the park’s energy use by 65 percent.

“There is no more fitting place to build a model of energy efficiency than right here in America’s front yard,” said U.S. Secretary of Energy Steven Chu.

Not only are the new light bulbs brighter and more energy-efficient than most conventional light bulbs, but they also last longer. The new bulbs will not need to be replaced for an estimated 25 years.

Donated by OSRAM SYLVANIA and installed for free by local utility company Pepco, the lights will create a more luminous and secure atmosphere for the park’s more than 25 million annual visitors from around the world.

Read more: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/english/inbrief/2012/02/201202020896.html#ixzz1lmBZNskl


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