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(2012-01-13 14:55:17)


分类: 环境与能源

在底特律举行的北美国际汽车展上,美国能源部长朱棣文(左)正在与通用汽车公司(General Motors)环境与能源部主任玛丽•斯塔内克(Mary Stanek)交谈。

美国国务院国际信息局(IIP)«美国参考» Charlene Porter 从华盛顿报道,美国能源部长朱棣文于1月11日表示,美国汽车产业应不断创新,以满足全球市场对节能汽车的需求,并“使美国继续处于重要产业的科技最前沿”。


朱棣文是在底特律发表上述讲话的。长期以来,底特律一直是美国汽车工业的中心,1月9日至22日的北美国际汽车展(North American International Auto Show)正在这里举行。朱棣文说,这个有100 年历史的车展今年尤为重要,因为它适逢美国汽车工业走出长期衰退,2010年的产量获得35%的增长。在国内汽车销售方面,美国汽车制造商过去长期落在外国汽车制造商的后面,但现已重新获得市场份额,从几年前的严重经济衰退中恢复过来。




朱棣文在底特律经济俱乐部(Detroit Economic Club)表示:“越来越多的汽车买家将集中在中国、印度和巴西等新兴经济体内。近年来,中国已超过美国成为世界上最大的汽车市场。到2050年,上路的汽车数量预计将翻一番,达到 20亿辆。”






--截至2025年,使售出的车辆在使用期内总计减少2 0亿吨的温室气体排放


欧巴马政府还力促进一步开展研究,加强汽车制造业各方面的创新,希望用更牢固、 更轻巧的金属来进一步降低车辆的重量,以及改进电动汽车电池的设计和容量。




美国联邦政府正在通过向那些开发新一代节能型汽车的企业以及为制造这类车辆而采用更新的机械设备、 先进的生产设施的企业提供资本贷款来支持创新。

Read more: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/chinese/article/2012/01/20120112151909x7.198298e-02.html#ixzz1jJpscuOs


Energy Secretary Rallies Industry for Speedy Auto Innovation

By Charlene Porter | Staff Writer | 11 January 2012

U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu, left, talks with Mary Stanek, General Motors director of environment and energy, at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit.


Washington — The U.S. auto industry should innovate constantly to meet the global market demand for fuel-efficient vehicles and to “keep the United States at the technological forefront of important industries,” said U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu January 11.

Chu was speaking in Detroit, long the hub of the U.S. auto industry, where the North American International Auto Show is being held January 9–22. Chu said the 100-year-old event is especially important this year, coming at a moment when the U.S. auto industry is breaking out of a long decline with a 35 percent increase in output in 2010. Long trailing foreign importers in domestic auto sales, the U.S. manufacturers have regained market share and recovered from the severe economic setbacks of a few years ago.

The Obama administration helped the auto industry out of that slump, Chu said, while demanding that U.S. automakers innovate and restructure to regain competitiveness. Recovery is happening, but must continue if the nation is to hold a place as a leader in the competitive global market.

“More and more car buyers will live in emerging economies like China, India and Brazil,” Chu said to the Detroit Economic Club. “In recent years, China surpassed the United States to become the world’s largest auto market. By 2050, the number of vehicles on the road is expected to double to 2 billion.”

Chu said the Obama administration is taking a number of steps to encourage greater innovation and nudge automakers into a more competitive position. The administration is pushing for regulations to require the auto industry to increase vehicle fuel-efficiency and build the kinds of cars the world wants, Chu said. These requirements have a list of potential benefits, according to administration documents:

● Saving consumers money on fuel costs.
● Reducing the need for imported oil.
● Reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 2 billion tons during the life of vehicles sold through 2025.

The administration is also promoting further research to increase innovation in various aspects of auto manufacturing, hoping to further reduce vehicle weight with stronger and lighter metals and to improve design and capacity for electric vehicle batteries.

“I am pleased to announce that we are launching a new research center this year to dramatically improve battery and energy storage technologies for vehicle and grid applications,” Chu said. The energy secretary expressed hope that this center could produce not merely incremental improvements, but “technologies that would enable us to leap forward and could allow prototype testing in this decade.”

The federal government is supporting innovation by lending capital to companies developing next-generation, fuel-efficient vehicles, and to companies developing the retooled, advanced manufacturing facilities to produce these vehicles.

Read more: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/english/article/2012/01/20120111160354enelrahc0.367489.html#ixzz1jJpvHfdp


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