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(2023-02-21 16:43:30)
分类: 杂类合同附件执行计划策划




中英文6千余字,word 文档。

学术交流请  matador1@foxmail.com



第一章 总则 

Chapter I General Provisions

第二章 出让采矿权的交付与出让金的缴纳

Chapter 2. Delivery of Granted Mining Right and Payment of Assignment Fees

第三章 矿产资源的合理利用

Chapter 3 The Rational Utilization of Mineral Resources

第四章 采矿权转让、出租、抵押

Chapter 4 Transfer, Lease and Mortgage of Mining Rights

第五章 期限届满

Chapter 5. Expiry of Terms

第六章 违约责任

Chapter 6 Liability for Breach of Contract

第七章 通知和说明

Chapter 7 Notices and Instructions

第八章 适用法律及争议解决

Chapter 8 Applicable Law and Dispute Settlement

第九章 附则

Chapter 9 Supplementary Provisions



第三章 矿产资源的合理利用

Chapter 3 The Rational Utilization of Mineral Resources


第八条 本合同签订后      日内,当事人双方应当按附件《矿区范围图》所标示坐标到实地验明各拐点界桩。

Article 8 The parties hereto shall, within      days upon conclusion of this contract, be on the field to inspect the boundary pillars at each inflection point in accordance with the coordinates indicated in the attached Map of Mine Area.



The grantee shall protect the boundary pillars properly and shall not alter the same without permission. Where the boundary pillar is damaged or moved, the grantee shall forthwith submit a written report to the grantor and apply for resurvey and reinstatement of the boundary pillar.


第九条 受让人在本合同出让的采矿权矿区范围内开采矿产资源应当符合以下要求:

Article 9 The grantee shall satisfy the following requirements for the exploitation of mineral resources within the mining area with the mining right granted hereunder.



1. Have the exploitation and utilization plan of mineral resources which examined and approved by the competent authority on geology and mineral and shall carry out construction in accordance therewith.



2. Have the approval documents of the environmental impact assessment report for the exploitation of mineral resources.



3. Have the plan of natural ecological protection and management for the mine, and carry out construction in accordance therewith.

第四章 采矿权转让、出租、抵押

Chapter 4 Transfer, Lease and Mortgage of Mining Rights


第十七条 受让人按照本合同约定巳经支付采矿权出让金,取得采矿权后,有权将本合同的采矿权转让、出租、抵押,但转让、出租、抵押的有效期不得超过采矿权的有效期。

Article 17 The transferee shall have the right to transfer, lease or mortgage the mining right in accordance with this contract subsequent to payment of the assignment fees for mining right and acquirement of the mining right, provided that no validity of the transfer, lease or mortgage shall exceed the validity of the mining right.


第十八条 采矿权转让、出租、抵押的,转让、出租、抵押双方应当签订书面合同,采矿权转让、出租、抵押合同,不得违背国家法律、法规、国土资源部关于《矿业权出让转让管理暂行规定》和本合同的规定。

Article 18 Where the mining right is transferred, leased or mortgaged, the parties to the transfer, lease or mortgage shall sign a written contract, and the contract for the transfer, lease or mortgage of the mining right shall not violate State’s laws and regulations, the Interim Provisions of the Ministry of Land and Resources on the Administration of the Transfer of Mining Rights and the provisions of this contract.


第十九条 采矿权转让后,本合同的权利、义务随之转移,采矿权有效期为本合同约定的剩余年限。

Article 19 The rights and obligations of this contract shall, upon the transfer of the mining right, be transferred accordingly and the mining right shall be valid for the remaining years as specified herein.


第二十条 采矿权转让、出租、抵押的,依附于采矿权的其他资产可以一并转让、出租、抵押,但必须单独作价。

Article 20 Where the mining right is transferred, leased or mortgaged, the other assets attached to the mining right may be transferred, leased or mortgaged together, provided that they are which should be separately valued.


第二十一条 采矿权转让、出租、抵押的,转让出租、抵押双方应当在相应的合同签订之日起20日内,持本合同和相应的转让、出租、抵押合同及《采矿许可证》,到原发证机关申请办理转让审批或出租、抵押备案登记。

Article 21 Provided that the mining rights are transferred, leased or mortgaged, the parties to the transfer, lease or mortgage shall, within 20 days from the date of signing of the corresponding contract, apply to the original issuing authority for approval of the transfer or registration of the lease or mortgage with this contract and the corresponding transfer, lease or mortgage contract and the Mining License.

第二十八条 受让人应当按照本合同约定开工,超过自领取《采矿许可证》之日起 6 个月之内不开工的,视为受让人自行放弃采矿权,出让人可以无偿收回采矿权,但因不可抗力或政府的行为造成开工延迟的除外。

Article 28 The grantee shall commence work in accordance with this contract, and if failure to commence the work within six months upon the date of receipt of the Mining License shall be deemed to have waived by the grantee the mining right on its own and the grantor may recover the mining right without compensation, except the delay of commencement due to force majeure or the act of the government.


第二十九条 出让人交付的采矿权未能达到合同约定的条件,应当视为违约。受让人有权要求出让人按照规定的条件履行义务,并且赔偿延误履行而造成的直接损失。

Article 29 The failure of the mining right delivered by the grantor to satisfy the conditions provided in the contract shall be deemed the breach of contract. The transferee shall be entitled to demand the grantor perform its obligations in accordance with the stipulated conditions and to compensate for direct losses due to the delay in performance.




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