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(2006-04-14 10:25:54)
分类: 中西文化

昨天贴出了以个人的经历谈了网上抄袭的问题,看了陈微、亚力小熊两位朋友的评论,想到了上个月美国发生的一件事情。20063月份美国《华盛顿邮报》雇用了一位年仅24岁年轻人Ben Domenech担任该报博客Red Americahttp://blog.washingtonpost.com/redamerica)的主笔。结果仅仅三天之后,Ben Domenech刚刚写了6篇博客文章,就不得不宣布辞职。为什么呢?很简单,因为他涉嫌抄袭(Plagiarism)。


《华盛顿邮报》执行总编Jim Brady为此事发表的声明表示:


Plagiarism is perhaps the most serious offense that a writer can commit or be accused of.


“抄袭也许是一个作者可能犯的或者是被指控的最严重的错误。”那么,Ben Domenech到底抄袭了些什么呢?一些有心人(http://www.dailykos.com/story/2006/3/23/152531/888)发现Ben Domenech199911月写的一篇评论Party guidelines for real bashesP. J. O'Rourke的书Modern Manners: An Etiquette Book for Rude People中的一章(Real Parties)几乎相同。此后,又有人发现Ben Domenech其他的一些文章也有抄袭嫌疑。比如,


20001021Demenech在评论电影Pay it Forward的文章中有这样一句:

Pay It Forward is exactly the type of film that the casual moviegoer will love, and critics will panMost kids come up with plans to put up recycling flyers or clean up the neighborhood, but Trevor's idea astounds even his teacher


作家Maryann Johanson20001018日发表的对同一部电影的评论是这样说的:

This is a film the studio knows casual moviegoers will love and critics will notMost kids come up with plans to post flyers about recycling and such, but Trevor's brilliantly simple idea astounds even his teacher

面对事实,Ben Domenech尽管为自己做了无力辩解(比如mixed up his notes with articles from other authors),但还是宣布辞职。




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