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(2008-04-28 13:35:29)


(西藏二)芒康到波密 Tibet 2 From Mangkang to Bom
一、芒康——八宿 “芒康”藏语意为“善妙地域”。芒康县位于西藏自治区东部,昌
From Mangkang to Basu The word“Mangkang”means wonderful place in Tibetan. Mangkang County is located in the east of Tibet Autonomous Region and southeast of Changdou Region.It is opposite to Jinsha River of Batang County,Sichuan Province in the east;Adjacent to Deqin County,Yunnan Province in the south;linking with Zuogong County in the west and locating at the junction of Gongjue and Chaya Counties in the north. Adjacent to the Yunnan Plateau,Mangkang County is belonging to the Three River Valley Canyon area.In Mangkang County,the terrain is complicated with north-south rolling mountains and valleys.he Wang of mountains is crossing the county from the north to the south with Lancang River in its west and Jinsha River in its east.
The panoramic view of the Mangkang County Mangkang County is the interchange of the south and north Sichuan-Tibet lines.
Yela mountain Arriving at the 4618-meter Yela mountain,we saw the two old boards with words:Never be afraid of difficulties and dangers;never be afraid of bloodshed and sacrifice. ”Keep the smoothie of Sichuan-Tibet Line;forge the traffic iron army. ”Sichuan-Tibet line is the main line to the Tibet.After putting into use in 1954,this road has caught world attention with its unique location and dangerous terrain. Because of the frequent natural disaster,this road met traffics disruption every year. Some of the traffic disruptions might come to half-year. In 1996,the fourth traffic detachment of the Armed Police Force took the responsibility to conserve this road. Since then,the road kept smooth,which was contributed by the policemen’s perseverance. Now,The quality of the road has been greatly improved,so even in the terrible weather,the transportation of Tibet is OK. What great soldiers!It was them who gave us the safety. Actually,this is the only highway conservation troop in China even all over the world._MG_1030.jpg
3《天路》有些路面看上去更危险,实际路面的确是向悬崖边微微倾斜,主要是不让雨水在路面上淤积,造成行车更大的危险。下面就是万劫不复的深渊,司机眨眼都要适时而为! The dangerous road Actually,the road is more precipitous than it is in the picture. But the road is indeed slightly oblique in order to keep the road dry.The drivers must be careful all the time be cause beside the road is the cliff. When driving on these roads,people’s lives are in danger all the time.
The 99-turn ing The 99-corner is also called“the 108-turn of Yela mountain”. One will be scare just hear its name.When I came here,I was totally shocked by its dangers and completely surprised by its grand spectacular scenes and the complicated corners.
Tongni village in the mountains After climbing the long zigzag road,at first,I thought we were at the foot of mountains.But we were told just halfway down the mountain.
The school of Tongni Village In such a remote area,I am surprised to find a school although it was shabby.
Access to Tongni village Shaking the Buddhist scriptures'tubes on his hand,the old man is looking at the passing vehicles although it was shabby.
The freighting donkeys The small donkeys are moving slowly with the heavy coad on their backs.
The zigzag road Every time,when we turned 360-degree,it seemed that we were turning around.
The travelers on the way On the Sichuan-Tibet line,I can see lots of travelers visiting Tibet just like me. Some of them chose to do the journey on foot,some chose riding the
bicycles. There are also some people chose to drive their private cars just like us.The
distance of our one-day journey may cost the walking-travelers more than 10 days.
So many warning signs There are so many warning signs roadside,warning of turnings,dropping rocks,steeps and so on._MG_1059.jpg
12《怒江边上的小村庄》怒江边上的小村庄,望上去似乎离我们并不遥远。可是,几乎看不出来从哪条路能走进村庄!The little village beside the Surging river The village beside the Surging river seems not far away from us,but I cannot find out the way into it._MG_1059.jpg
13《磕长头的一家人》这是一个举家磕长头到拉萨的一家人,不知道磕了多少路,只知道到拉萨还有很长的路要磕。A family All the family members are kowtowers.They have kowtowed for a long way.But it is still far away from their destination-Lhasa._MG_1059.jpg
14《两个儿子》The two brothers_MG_1059.jpg
15《幸福的小毛驴》磕长头的一家人中,为了照顾母亲的身体,特意为她准备了这头小毛驴,但她似乎很心疼而少有骑它。 The lucky little donkey In order to take care of the mother,the family has given the little donkey to her for the journey.But the mother was fond of the little donkey and seldom rode it.
The cliff road Driving on this road,one can totally understand what is real dangerous road.
The blue water The transparent and blue river was filled with the melting snow from the
mountain. We stopped the car and held water in our hands to see its clearance.And we found
it was very cold.
School bags The children’s school bags are different. Some of them are plastic bag;others are advertisement bags. Among them,the old donated bags may be the best ones.
Hiding from my Lens Living on roadside store,the Tibetans have been very familiar with the photographers. So they always avert the lens. But when photographers aimed at them,they will turn to stare at the camera. Their visions are so pure that the photographers are proud of their excellent photographing very much.
The roadside stores In Tibet,most of the stores are owned by the temple.The Tibetans will never have an idea to operate them and they don’t have business brains,either. 
21《山路》狭窄的公路都是在山腰上开凿出来的,置身于云山雾罩的美景,可别忘了另一边的悬崖,一旦掉下去,会牺牲的!The dangerous road Standing on the narrow road at mountainside,you should be careful when enjoy the scenery. Because on the other side of the road is the cliff.
The checkpoint Because of the dangerous road forward,passing vehicles must stopped at the checkpoint for thorough checking and left their information.So if they have a traffic accident and are out of salvage,the police can confirm them through the recorded information.
二、然乌湖到波密 From Ranwu lake to Bomi
Domestic people only Locating at Boshulaling area,which is in the southeast of Tibet and east of Linzhi region,Chaou County is one of the border county of Tibet Autonomous Region.It is said to be a beautiful place with fantastic landscape.But only domestic people are allowed to this area,I was looking forward to visit it by myself.
The white rape The large area of white rape looks likes a big soft plush carpet. _MG_1101.jpg
3《然乌湖》然乌湖位于318国道线八宿境内,是雅鲁藏布江支流帕隆藏布江主要源头,湖面海拔3807多米,长约26公里,平均宽1至5公里。然乌湖北面有著名的拉古冰川,冰川延伸到湖边。每当冰雪融化时,雪水便注入湖中,使然乌湖经常保有丰富的水源。然乌湖边是绿草茵茵的草场和绿油油的庄稼;湖边山腰上则是莽莽的森林。 The Ranwu lake With over 3807-meter in height,26-meter in length and average 1 to 5 kilometer in width,Ranwu lake is situated at the Basu county with 318 national roads
crossing it.It is the headwater of Palongcangbu river,which is the branch of Yarlung Zangbo river.In the north of Ranwuhu lake,there is famous Lagu glacier extending to the lake. In the melting season,the snow melted into water and followed into the lake,keeping the Ranwuhu lake full all the time. Besides,there are green grasses and healthy crops beside the lake,while halfway of the mountain beside the lake are the lush forests.
4《波密嘎龙寺》嘎龙寺就是曾经的多东寺,经历了三四百年的风雨历程,依然保留完整,是历史的幸运。这里也是扎墨公路的起点。 The Gelong temple in Bomi county Gelong temple was once called Duodong temple,it is preserved very well although it has a history of more than 300 years.It is the starting point of Zhamo road as well.
5《休闲的僧侣们似乎也各有心思》The meditating monks
6《游走嘎龙寺》Go around the Gelong temple
7《嘎龙寺》The Gelong temple


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