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伍兹《How I PLay Golf》第三章:沙坑脱困(1)

(2014-08-09 14:33:17)
分类: 本侯根/伍兹/汤姆沃森/老米



*** Making the Hard Easy (沙坑球不可怕)

There are tough shots, and then there was the one I had on the 16th hole at Poipu Bay Restort in Hawaii during the 1997 Grand Slam of Golf. With three holes to play, I was trailing Ernie Els by three shots and desperately needed a birdie to have even an outside chance of catching him. When I saw my approach to 16 drop into the right greenside bunker, I knew a birdie would be unlikely, but not impossible. I’d holed sand shots before.

But when I got close enough to observe my lie, I saw a shot that was close to impossible. The ball had buried into the thick, wet sand. Worse, it was on a severe down-slope. To get the ball out of the bunker would be very difficult, and if I did there was no way it was going to hold the green. A thick clump of bushes beyond the green was beckoning to my ball. I was a dead man.



Or was I? A steep, grassy embankment was just beyond the bunker. If I could somehow make the ball fly directly into the embankment, the ball might release forward and get on the green. It was a 100-1 shot, but I had to try.

I addressed the ball as though I were ready to chop wood. I didn’t swing the club back so much as lift it straight in the air, then brought it down into the sand as though I were swinging an ax. I swung as hard as I could, closing my eyes tight, and hoped for the best.

When I found the courage to peek at the outcome, I saw an amazing sight. The ball had shot straight forward like a bullet and slammed into the embankment. The ball jumped into the air a good three feet and continued forward, stopping two feet from the hole. I knocked the putt in for one of the best pars of my life. And very proudly tipped my cap to the gallery even Ernie congratulated me. Ernie parred the hole and held on to win by three. But that sand shot, which ranks as one of the best I’ve played in my life, made my day and eased the pain of losing.




*** The No-Fail Setup (站位很重要)

More than for any other shot in golf, the setup for the standard bunker shot determines the type of swing I make and the way the club behaves when it enters the sand. It’s a four-part process.

=== I open my stance

I align everything—my feet, hips and shoulders—to the left of the target. That preprograms an out-to-in swing, the club head cutting across the sand and the ball through impact.

=== I open the clubface

I aim the clubface to the right of the target the amount you see here. That does two things: it increases the loft of clubface so I can hit the ball high and soft, and it also increases the amount of “bounce” on the sole of the club-head.

=== I weaken my grip

The last thing I want on a sand shot is for the clubface to rotate to a closed position through impact. To discourage that rotation, I weaken my left hand grip at address, so the back of my left hand faces the target.  

=== I position the ball forward

I like it just opposite my left heel. Playing the ball forward promotes a higher trajectory, and also encourages me to slide the club-head through the sand.


1、  站位开放。脚,臀部,肩膀对着目标线的左侧,预设了一个out-to-in的挥杆路径,击球时杆头穿过沙和和沙上的球。

2、  杆面打开。我的杆面瞄着目标的右侧,你可以从图中看到杆面打开的程度。这样做的好处有两个,一是增加了杆面角,便于实现高而柔和击球,同时也增加了杆头底部的反弹角。

3、  弱势握杆。杆面在击球时,会旋转而成为闭合状态,为了避免这种情况,我左手弱势握杆,手背朝着目标。

4、  球位正对左脚后跟。球位在前能保证高弹道,而且杆头也容易滑过球下的沙。

伍兹《How <wbr>I <wbr>PLay <wbr>Golf》第三章:沙坑脱困(1)

*** Easy Does It (轻松挥杆)

Remember one thing: the standard bunker shot is about technique, not about strength. I don’t apply any more effort than I would on a 40-yard shot from the fairway.

=== I downsize my swing

I don’t need a long swing with lots of body action, as there is no need for extra distance. I keep my grip pressure light, maintain an easy rhythm and swing my hands to about shoulder height.

=== I cock my wrist fully

    The club-head speed I generate comes mainly from my hands and arms. I break my wrists early on the back-swing and cock them all the way. This is a very “handsy” shot, with very little movement in my hips and legs.

=== I’m a right-hand man

    The swing on the greenside bunker shot is dominated by the right hand. Through impact, the action is very similar to throwing a ball.

=== I go ahead and release

    Even though I’ve really slung the club through the sand with my right hand, you’ll notice that the toe of the club-head hasn’t turned over fully after impact. That’s due to my weak left hand grip. I know the ball will come out high and soft.

=== I slide, I don’t chop

    See how the sand is being thrown forward on a fairly low angle? That’s because I haven’t hit too steeply on the ball. I simply try to swing through impact into the follow-through, the ball coming out on a small cushion of sand.


1、  挥杆弧度变窄。因为所需的落点距离不长,因而不需要完整的挥杆弧度和过多身体动作,握杆松,挥杆节奏清晰,上杆时手大概到肩膀的高度。

2、  手腕屈腕充分。杆头的速度主要来自于手和手臂,上杆起始,我就屈腕并保持,这是一个充分使用手的挥杆,我的胯部和腿部移动很少。

3、  右手为主导手(惯用右手)。果岭边的沙坑球,右手起着主要作用,击球的动作就好像用右手扔一块石头。

4、  送杆充分释放。右手把杆“扔”向球,击球后,杆的趾部并不完全翻转,这是因为左手的弱势握杆,这样击出的球又高又能着地。

5、  滑过而不是砍。击球后低低扬起的沙子,表明我没有砍向球而是从球底下的沙子滑过并送杆,球是垫在小小的沙枕上被杆头送出沙坑的。

伍兹《How <wbr>I <wbr>PLay <wbr>Golf》第三章:沙坑脱困(1)

*** How Much Sand Do I Take?

The amount of sand I take depends on how much spin I want to put on the ball. I’ve drawn lies to indicate where the club-head should enter the sand, which determines how much backspin I will apply. When I want the ball to run after it hits the green, I aim for a spot about three inches behind the ball. The ball then comes out on a thick cushion of sand with hardly any backspin.

When I want to hit the ball high and make a stop quickly, I’ll hit maybe an inch behind the ball, sometimes less. I very rarely try to pick the ball cleanly without taking any sand at all, as the ball can very easily get away from me and fly too far.



伍兹《How <wbr>I <wbr>PLay <wbr>Golf》第三章:沙坑脱困(1)


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