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(2011-12-01 00:28:40)


               New Myanmar Route is pivot to China future


      Hillary Clinton will be arriving Myanmar today, which will not only make her the first American secretary of state to visit the country in over 50 years, it will further unnerve China who has recently increasingly worried about the aim of the US new Asia policy is to isolate and encircle China.

      Historically and geographically, Myanmar has been the closest neighbor to China. For centuries, the two countries have enjoyed a family tie known as “pauk-phaw (brother) in Myanmese by intermarriage between border inhabitants.

       Chinese late premier Zhou Enlai visited Myanmar 9 times while his counterpart late Myanmar leader Ne Win visited China 12 times. During Zhou’s first visit to Myanmar in 1954, the two countries coined the five principles of peaceful coexistence in international relations. The five principles are still the foundation for China’s handling of international relations today.

       For centuries until today, the two peoples travel freely across their border on dirt roads and forested mountains. Chinese late foreign minister Marshal Chen Yi composed a poem which reads,” I (China) am upstream and you (Myanmar) are downstream the river. We share water from the same river with friendship.”

       Today, Myanmar is pivot of China’s grand strategy to achieve its goal of becoming a great power in the 21st century.

       The rise of Western China depend a secured shorter trade and fuel routes to the ocean. Close to the key shipping lanes of the Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia, Myanmar is important for China to develop the poor economies in its southwestern inland provinces which has a population of about 200 million. These backward provinces want to trade with the growing economies of Southeast Asia, India, the Arab world and Europe. Chinese academia and government have been discussing about using Myanmar Route as a land bridge to revive the legendary ‘Southwest Silk Road’ from Yunnan, Sichuan and Chongqing to Myanmar and westward to India, Africa, the Middle East and Europe. Myanmar port would be able to shorten the distance between China West and Indian Ocean by 3000 kilometers or by five to six days by not passing through the Strait of Malacca and the ports in Shanghai and Hong Kong.

              Myanmar is also looked as a crucially alternative route in China’s long-term goal of securing a safe conduit of its much-needed fuel from Middle East and Africa.

       Strategically projected as China's gateway to Indian Ocean and the WestChina in recent decade has been constructing oil pipeline and highway in Myanmar to obtain access to a port by Indian Ocean. With the 2,000-kilometer-Myanmar-Yunnan-Chongqing oil pipeline constructed by China National Petroleum CorporationChina has now almost secured an outlet to the Indian Ocean for its landlocked southwestern provinces.

       The New Myanmar Route will transport Middle East and African crude oil from Myanmar Indian Ocean port to China's southwestern provinces - short-cutting the long sea voyage past the Strait of Malacca, South China Sea and East China Sea where its neighboring countries like Japan, South Korea, the Philiphines and Vietnam are contending with China for their claims of territorial waters and islands.

       But recently, the New Myanmar Route appear to be under increasing threats clearly voiced by Obama and Hillary in their latest statements. As early as 2010, Hillary Clinton declared that the South China Sea was vital to American interest. In September this year, Hilary announced a new American policy of South Asia by reviving the Silk Road excluding China. In the November issue of Foreign Policy, Hillary published a lengthy article in which she declared the coming of America’s Pacific Century. And two weeks later, at a forum in Honolulu, Obama echoed Hillary by announcing that “The US is a Pacific power and we’re here to stay.”

       In the worst scenario of crisis in China-US relations, blockade of Chinese coast and Malacca Strait could be the looming cards the US most likely to use.

       In late September this year, Hillary immediately applauded after Burma’s surprising announcement to halt the construction of the $3.6 billion Myitsone power station invested by a Chinese company. A month later, Hillary announced that she would visit Myanmar as a kind of reward to the country’s new leadership. Chinese media speculate that the American government was behind the Myanmar’s decision to halt the Myitsone dam.

       Obama and Hillary’s latest moves to isolate and encircle China has made the country desperate than ever to dilute its routes for transporting fuel from the Middle East and Africa. China cannot afford to lose the Myanmar Route.



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