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(2018-07-13 14:15:03)





Leah P.,32岁





4.去年,我进行了一场作画表演,该画结合了坦桑尼亚的风景和斯瓦希里谚语。这幅画名叫Dalili ya mvua ni mawingu(云彩是下雨的征兆),这是一幅用蜡画涂料制作的单刷版画,之后我又在上面涂了一层水彩颜料。我喜欢这句谚语,因为就像用云彩来预测雨即将到来一样,你应该注意那些可以反应人们真实性格的迹象。


要想了解更多此类故事,请访问: https://china.usembassy-china.org.cn/zh/education-culture-zh/xin-jiao-liu-magazine-zh/every-day-americans-zh/ 

My Favorite Art

Leah P., 32
Los Angeles, California

I am pursuing a Masters degree in mechanical engineering. I got interested in engineering partially because I am an artist. I love to experiment with different materials to make things that other people can interact with. I have lived in lots of different places (Los Angeles, Boston, Washington D.C., Tanzania, Bolivia, and India) and I like collaborating with artists wherever I am. I live in Cambridge, Massachusetts now. My favorite types of art to make are 1.) papier-mâchésculptures, 2.) ceramics, 3.) silkscreens, 4.) monoprint, and 5.) photographs. 

1. This is a papier-mâché installation that I did in Bolivia for a street art and open museum festival. I asked people to answer the question “who are you behind your mask?” and post their answers for other people to see. There were all sorts of answers!

2. I enjoy making ceramics because I can make all sorts of forms that people can actually use. I love playing with the textures and colors and of course getting very messy while I’m making stuff. I made these bowls in Washington D.C.

3. I love using silkscreen to quickly make lots of visually appealing art or even slogans on T-shirts, patches, etc. Right now, I’m the shop lead at a maker space in Massachusetts. I’m setting up the print shop so that more people can use it to print artwork and also print on other materials such as wood, fabric, and metal. This is a picture of our shop, and of a silkscreen self-portrait. 

4. Last year I did a show combining scenes from Tanzania with Swahili proverbs. This picture is called Dalili ya mvua ni mawingu (Clouds are a sign of rain) and is a monoprint made with encaustic paint that then I painted watercolor over. I like this saying because just as clouds are used to predict coming rain, you should be aware of signs from people that show their true character.

5. Wherever I go I am always taking pictures. This panoramic photograph is a winter sunset on the beach near my grandma’s house (just outside of Boston, Massachusetts).

For more stories like this, visit: https://china.usembassy-china.org.cn/education-culture/xin-jiao-liu-magazine/every-day-americans/ 


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