(2016-08-01 11:47:34)分类: 社会与生活 |
对于马里兰州西巴尔的摩(West Baltimore,Maryland)地区的居民来说,伊诺克·普拉特免费图书馆(Enoch Pratt Free Library)不仅是个借阅图书的场所,也是一个有着温馨社区氛围的地方。一年前,这个地区曾发生过重大暴力事件。
那是2015年4月27日,在这座位于宾夕法尼亚大道(Pennsylvania Avenue)的图书馆分馆四周发生了骚乱。骚乱导致15名警官受伤,汽车被焚烧,商店遭洗劫。图书馆内的工作人员和用户眼见示威者将马路对面的一家大药店付诸一炬。
自从25岁的非洲裔青年弗雷迪·格雷(Freddie Gray)在被警方拘押时因脊髓受伤而死亡以来,社会骚动开始沸腾。格雷死亡事件之前,在密苏里州弗格森(Ferguson, Missouri)和在纽约(New York)都相继发生了男性黑人在被警方拘押时死亡的事件。西巴尔的摩的矛盾在格雷的葬礼结束后爆发。
在4月的那天,直到很晚,警察才告诉图书馆用户和工作人员,他们可以安全地离开图书馆回家。那时候,马里兰州州长已经宣布当地进入紧急状态,调动了国民警卫队(National Guard)帮助警方维持秩序。
Pratt CEO Carla Hayden welcoming folks and placing a "We're OPEN" sign at the Pennsylvania Ave Branch. pic.twitter.com/p3aA9VufBo
— Pratt Library (@prattlibrary) April 28, 2015
梅拉尼·迪格斯(Melanie Diggs)曾在头天很晚的时候打电话给巴尔的摩图书馆系统的总馆长卡拉·海登(Carla Hayden)——后者现在是新任美国国会图书馆馆长。两位女图书馆员一致认为应让图书馆保持开放。
https://share.america.gov/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/AP_827252679386-237x300.jpg梅拉尼•迪格斯在伊诺克•普拉特免费图书馆。(© AP Images)在骚乱过后的恢复期间,图书馆扮演了更多的角色:
- 在邻里社区复元的过程中,它成为一家全国连锁超市为当地人和执法警察捐赠食品的集散地。
- 图书馆为当地居民分发因药店被焚烧而无法买到的婴儿尿布、婴儿食品和其他必需品。
- 图书馆内设立了一个小商务中心,帮助受影响的商店业主申请灾难救助。
- 图书馆开始在当地社区提供一对一的法律咨询,这项服务迄今仍在继续。
After the riots, a library in Baltimore becomes the community’s core
Residents of West Baltimore
On April 27, 2015, riots surrounded the library’s branch on
Pennsylvania Avenue. Before things quieted, 15 police officers had
been injured, cars had been burned and stores looted. Inside the
library, staff and patrons watched as protesters set fire to a
large drugstore
Civic unrest had been bubbling
It was late on that April evening before police told the library patrons and staff it was safe to go home. By then the governor of Maryland had declared a state of emergency and called in the National Guard to help police keep order.
But the library opened the next morning.
Melanie Diggs, branch manager of the library, had made a
late-night call to the Baltimore library system’s chief, Carla
Hayden, the new librarian of Congress. The two women agreed
“We have people who just like to come in because it’s a safe,
quiet place,” said Diggs. “We have programs that go on
During the recovery from the riots, the library’s role expanded further:
- It became the distribution point for food
by a national grocery store chain for locals and law enforcement officers as the neighborhood recovered. - The library distributed diapers, baby formula and other essentials that local residents couldn’t get from the burned-down drugstore.
- A small-business center opened in the library to help affected store owners apply for disaster relief.
- The library started offering one-on-one legal consultations for the community, which continue to this day.
Diggs says