(2015-06-26 15:53:15)
房产 |
分类: 环境与能源 |
(NASA Earth Observations)
美国国务卿约翰 ∙克里(John Kerry)指出,“美国坚定地承诺帮助世界其他地区- 特别是最贫困和最容易受到影响的国家适应气候变化。”
2014年底菲律宾受到强台风袭击。采取适应气候变化的行动有助于各地社区应对自然灾害。 (© AP Images)
- 和平队(Peace
和美国军团( AmeriCorps)将成立抗击气候变化志愿队。 - 美国国家航空和航天局(NASA
科学方法 ,帮助有关国家开展适应气候变化的工作。 - 美国国家海洋与大气层管理局(NOAA)
“美国坚定地承诺帮助世界其他地区 …… 适应气候变化。”– 国务卿约翰 ∙克里
- 提供风险管理和人道主义救援方面的经验(红十字会、国际红十字会和红新月会联合会)。
- 为制定规划提供风险评估和分析方面的专长(国际性银行)。
- 通过大规模因特网云端储存空间广泛提供涉及气候变化项目的科学数据(谷歌)。
白宫(White House)发布简报指出,伙伴关系的工作最初将以哥伦比亚、埃塞俄比亚和孟加拉国为重点,目的在于制定扎实的气候服务规划并可根据各地的实际情况进行优化。
If your house was ever damaged in a storm or flood, or you had to
pay more for food because drought struck your region, you have
insight into the harsh consequences of climate change.
But if you know bad things are coming and you plan for them, then you’re on the path to what experts call climate change adaptation and resilience.
“The United States is deeply committed to helping the rest of the
world — especially the poorest and most vulnerable nations — adapt
to the changing climate,”
Typhoon-driven waves battered the Philippines in late 2014. Climate resilience aims to help communities survive such punishment. (© AP Images)
On June 9, Kerry and the White House announced a $34 million commitment to do just that. The U.S., United Kingdom and several private-sector and NGO partners will share their expertise and resources to help communities worldwide prepare for a warmer world.
Among the U.S. contributions:
Peace Corps and AmeriCorps will form a volunteer climate resistance corps. - NASA
will share scientific methods for projecting climate change impacts, enabling countries to target their adaptation efforts. - NOAA
will offer communities tools to better protect beachside buildings and infrastructure from rising seas.
These “climate services,” as the partnership calls them, will “make it easier for people to take control of their own futures,” Kerry said.
“The United States is deeply committed to helping the rest of the world … adapt to the changing climate.”
– Secretary of State John Kerry
Other partner contributions include:
- Risk management and humanitarian response experience (Red Cross, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies).
- Risk assessment and analysis expertise for development planning (international banks).
- Massive Internet cloud storage space to provide wide access to scientific data about climate change projections (Google).