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在3月24日世界防治结核病日(World Tuberculosis Day),世界各地的医卫组织都将阐明必须改善对结合病的诊断和治疗。由1300个医卫组织、研究机构和政府部门组成的国际联盟“防治结核病组织”(StopTB.org)提倡“达及、治疗并治愈每个患者”,这项策略旨在提高感染了广泛传播的结核病病毒的人群的诊断率、医治率和治愈率。
这个组织在100多个国家展开工作,并得到了设在美国的一些机构的支持,其中包括疾病控制和预防中心(Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention)、美国国际发展署(U.S. Agency for International
Development)、美国空军(U.S. Air Force)、天主教救济会(Catholic Relief
Services)和国际儿童组织(Children International)等。
World TB Day: Reach, treat, cure everyone
Next time you’re in a crowd, think about this:
One-third of the people around you may be infected with tuberculosis (TB). Ten percent of those folks could develop the disease themselves. Then they might infect others.
On March
People frequently are
not diagnosed because the symptoms —
This disease is as
old as recorded history, but StopTB.org reports progress in
stopping it. Tens of millions were cured between 1990 and 2013 as
the TB
StopTB.org has a new plan to keep this progress going and contain the current pandemic by 2035.
The organization works in more than 100 countries, with support from U.S.-based organizations such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the U.S. Agency for International Development, the U.S. Air Force, Catholic Relief Services, Children International and others.