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2013 气候现状报告指出地球变暖的趋势。
华盛顿 - 据美国气象学会(American Meteorological Society)于7月17日发布的 2013 气候现状(State of the Climate in 2013)报告,研究人员根据2013年从天空、陆地、海洋和冰川地区搜集的资料发现气温、海平面和二氧化碳水平都出现上升。
美国国家海洋和大气管理局(National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)的科学家担任报告的主要编纂工作,有57个国家的425名科学家参加撰稿。报告提供了有关全球气候指标最新的详细数据,最重要的是通过各地环境观察站和工具记录天空、陆地、海洋和冰川活动的工作搜集气象活动等数据。
美国国家海洋和大气管理局局长凯瑟琳·沙利文(Kathryn Sullivan)说,“这些发现证实了科学家们几十年来观察的结果:我们的地球正成为一个更暖的地方。这份报告提供了基本的信息,我们需要这些信息开发有关的工具和服务,使各社区、工商业和各国为抗击气候变化的影响做好准备并建立灵活性。
- 温室气体继续增加。2013年,大气的二氧化碳含量增加2.8 ppm,导致当年全球二氧化碳平均含量达395.3 ppm。
- 地球近表层的温暖趋势继续存在。4个主要的数据集表明,2013年属有史以来最暖和的年份之一,根据使用的数据集名列第2和第6位。
- 海洋表面温度上升。2013年,全球平均海面温度名列有记录以来的第10位。
- 海平面继续升高。20年来,海平面上升的速度达每年3.2 ± 0.4 mm。
- 北极继续暖化。海洋冰川覆盖面仍然很低,是1979年开始卫星观察以来第6个最低的年份。
- 南极海洋冰川覆盖面连续第2年达到创记录的高水平。
气候现状报告是美国气象学会通讯(Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society)的特别副刊,属于同行审定的系列报告,每年一版,2013是第24版。报告全文见该学会网站。
Read more: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/chinese/article/2014/07/20140721304285.html#ixzz38AcmDkVd
Climate Data in 2013 Reflect Trends of Warming Planet
18 July 2014
A new report documents warming trends in the state of Earth’s climate.
Washington — Researchers observe increases in temperature, sea level and carbon dioxide levels in data collected from air, land, sea and ice in 2013, according to the State of the Climate in 2013.
The report, released online July 17 by the American Meteorological Society, shows the vast majority of worldwide climate indicators, such as greenhouse gases, sea levels and global temperatures, continued to reflect trends of a warmer planet.
Scientists from the United States’ National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) served as lead editors of the report, which was compiled by 425 scientists from 57 countries. The report provides a detailed update on global climate indicators, notable weather events and other data collected by environmental monitoring stations and instruments on air, land, sea and ice.
NOAA’s mission is to understand and predict changes in the Earth’s environment and to conserve and manage coastal and marine resources. Through NOAA and other government agencies, the United States supports a wide range of climate change research and alternative energy development projects.
“These findings reinforce what scientists for decades have observed: that our planet is becoming a warmer place,” said NOAA Administrator Kathryn Sullivan. “This report provides the foundational information we need to develop tools and services for communities, business, and nations to prepare for, and build resilience to, the impacts of climate change.”
The report uses dozens of climate indicators to track patterns, changes and trends of the global climate system, including greenhouse gases; temperatures throughout the atmosphere, ocean and land; cloud cover; sea level; ocean salinity; sea ice extent; and snow cover. These indicators often reflect many thousands of measurements from multiple independent datasets.
The report also details cases of unusual and extreme regional events, such as Super Typhoon Haiyan, which devastated portions of Southeast Asia in November 2013.
Significant findings include:
• Greenhouse gases continued to climb, with atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations increased by 2.8 ppm in 2013, reaching a global average of 395.3 ppm for the year.
• Warm temperature trends continued near the Earth’s surface, with four major independent datasets showing 2013 was among the warmest years on record, ranking between second and sixth depending upon the dataset used.
• Sea surface temperatures increased, with the globally averaged sea surface temperature for 2013 was among the 10 warmest on record.
• Sea level continued to rise on pace with a trend of 3.2 ± 0.4 mm per year over the past two decades.
•The Arctic continued to warm and sea ice extent remained low. Arctic sea ice extent was the sixth lowest since satellite observations began in 1979.
•Antarctic sea ice extent reached record high for second year in a row.
State of the Climate in 2013 is the 24th edition in a peer-reviewed series published annually as a special supplement to the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. The full report is available on the society’s website.
Read more: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/english/article/2014/07/20140718304212.html#ixzz38AcoILPk