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(2012-07-09 13:54:45)


分类: 美国人物








尚没有人知道谁将入选美国2012年伦敦奥运会代表队,但许多体操迷预期乔亭·韦伯(Jordyn Wieber)能够入选。韦伯完成了几项高难度动作,包括阿玛纳尔跳马(尤尔琴科转体两周半),平衡木水平立转360度,高低杠直体翻两周旋转落地等。


16岁的韦伯今年3月在美国杯赛(American Cup)和 环太平洋地区锦标赛(Pacific Rim Championships)中夺冠。


她还在去年10月份的2011年世界锦标赛(2011 World Championships )中获女子世界全能冠军。她是美国第六个赢得世界冠军的体操女选手,在比赛结束时以惊人的动作险胜俄罗斯的维多利亚·科莫娃(Viktoria Komova )。


但从某些方面而言,韦伯是一个普通的少女。她在4月份对《今日美国》(USA Today)报的记者说:“我要参加毕业舞会,我已经选好了礼裙。”什么颜色?“紫色。

Read more: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/chinese/inbrief/2012/05/201205145638.html#ixzz206O8mbkq



Jordyn Wieber, 16, holds the women's world all-around title in gymnastics and will likely represent the United States at the 2012 London Olympics. Few would describe her as a typical teenager, but she recently revealed that she shares at least one preoccupation with other teenage girls.

No one knows yet who will be on the U.S. team for the 2012 Olympic Games in London, but lots of gymnastics fans expect Jordyn Wieber to make the cut. Wieber performs some very difficult gymnastics. She throws an Amanar vault (2.5 twisting Yurchenko), a standing full (at 1:19) on beam and a full-twisting double layout dismount on bars.

Wieber, 16, won the American Cup and the Pacific Rim Championships in March.

She also won the women’s world all-around title at the 2011 World Championships in October. She is just the sixth U.S. woman to win the world title and did it by edging out Russia’s Viktoria Komova in a thrilling, down-to-the-wire finish.

But in some ways, Wieber is a typical teenage girl. “I’ll be going to prom,” she told a USA Today reporter in April, “and I already have a dress.” What color? “Purple.”


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