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同济大学硕士研究生课程期终考核试卷  2009 — 2010 学年第 1 学期

课名: 高级写作                  考试考查:考试


年级     专业      学号      ___姓名            

任课教师:冯天泽   得分     




1. Who was a member of the informal alliance called the First Triumvirate with Julius Caesar and Pompey the Great

A. Mark Antony                 B.  Marcus Aemilius Lepidus 

C Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus   DMarcus Licinius Crassus

2. The novel Sons and Lovers was written by
A. Thomas Hardy.
B. John Galsworthy.
C. D.H. Lawrence.
D. James Joyce.

3. What is another name for Mount Everest


A. North Pole    B. South Pole     C. the “Third Pole”      D. Top Pole

4. A special language variety that mixes languages and is used by speakers of different languages for purposes of trading is called
A. dialect. B. idiolect. C. pidgin. D. register.

5. When a speaker expresses his intention of speaking, such as asking someone to open the window, he is     performing
A. an illocutionary act.
B. a perlocutionary act.

C. a locutionary act.
D. none of the above.


6. ________________ delivered his world-famous speech Gettysburg Address during the Civil War.

A. Cromwell  B. Lincoln  C. Churchill    D. Nixon

7. After the Norman Conquest the official language in England was _____________.

A. Anglo-Saxon  B. Spanish  C. Latin   D. French

8. After the Glorious Revolution _________________________ was established in Britain.

A. Feudalism and Aristocracy  B. Constitutional Monarchy
C. Absolute Anarchy         D. Laissez Faire

9. __________________ proposed New Deal.

A. Roosevelt  B. Wilson  C. Nixon  D. Kennedy

10. Captain Ahab is the most fascinating hero in _______________________.

A. The Old Man and the Sea  B. Moby Dick  C. Leaves of Grass    D. Robinson Crusoe

Part II (30%)

Write out the definition for the following rhetoric terms


1.      Simile

2.      Hyperbole:

3.      Euphemism:

4.      Synecdoche

5.      Oxymoron:

6.      Pun:

7.      Syllepsis:

8.      Paradox:

9.      Transferred Epithet:

10.     Onomatopoeia:


Part III: Reading Comprehension 11%  



How to Read Annual Reports


First, turn back to the report of the certified public accountant. This third-party auditor will tell you right off the bat if Galaxy’s report conforms with “generally accepted accounting principles”. Then go to the footnotes. Check to see whether earnings are up or down. The footnotes often tell the whole story.


Then turn to the letter from the chairman. Usually addressed “to our shareholders,” it’s up front – and should be in more ways than one. The chairman’s tone reflects the personality, the well-being of the company. In this letter, the chairman should tell you how the company fared this year. But more important, the letter should tell you why. Keep an eye out for sentences that start with “except for…” and “despite the …” they are clues to problems. On the positive side, a chairman’s letter should give you insights into the company’s future and its stance on economic or political that may affect it.


Now being digging into the numbers!


One source is the balance sheet. It is a snapshot of how the company stands at a single point in time. On the top are assets – everything the company owns. Things that can quickly be turned into cash are current assets. On the bottom are liabilities – everything the company owes. Current liabilities are the debts due in one year, which are paid out of current assets. The difference between current assets and current liabilities is working capital, a key figure to watch from one annual report to another. If working capital shrinks, it could mean trouble. One possibility: the company may not be able to keep dividends growing rapidly. Owners’ equity is the difference between total assets and liabilities. It is the presumed dollar value of what the owners or shareholders own. You want it to grow.


The second basic source of numbers is the income statement. It shows how much money Galaxy make or lost over the year. Most people look at one figure first. It’s in the income statement at the bottom: earnings per share. Watch out. It can fool you. Galaxy’s management could boost earnings by selling off a plant. Or by cutting the budget for research and advertising. The number you should look at first in the income statement is net sales. Ask yourself: are sales going up at a faster rate than the last time around? When sales increases start to slow, the company may be in trouble. Have sales gone down because the company is selling off a losing business? If so, profits may be soaring.


Another important thing to study is the company’s debt. Turn to the balance, and divide long-term liabilities by owner’s equity. That’s the debt-to-equity ratio. A high ratio means the company borrows a lot of money to spark its growth. That’s okay – if sales grow too, and if there’s enough cash on hand to meet the payments. A company doing well on borrowed money can earn big profits for its shareholders. But if sales fall, watch out. The whole enterprise may slowly sink. Some companies can handle high ratios; others can’t.


Finally, you have to compare. Is the company’s debt-to-equity ratio better or worse than it used to be? Better or wore than the industry norms? In company-watching, comparisons are all. They tell you if management is staying on top of things.


1 . According to the writer, the most important element of the chairman’s letter is

a. the expression_r_rs used.

b. the explanation given by the chairman.

c. the performance of the company during the year.

d. the company’s future described by the chairman.


2. According to the article, the drop of working capital shows that

a. both current assets and current liabilities fall.

b. current assets decline while current liabilities rise.

c. both current assets and current liabilities remain the same as the previous year.

d. current assents increase but current liabilities decrease.


3. What do shareholders expect to increase?

a. total assets.  b. working capital.    c. total liabilities.  d. owner’s equity.


4. According to the article, the main reason to look at net sales first is that

a. they tell how much profit the company has earned.

b. they have nothing to do with advertising.

c. they are not affected by selling off a plant.

d. they are not so easily manipulated by the management as earnings per share.


5. According to the writer, a great deal of borrowing

a. boosts sales.   b. promotes growth.  c. generates profits.  d. entails risk.


6. According to the article, what makes it clear that the company is well-managed?

a. the chairman’s letter.                      b. auditor’s report.

c. comparison made by the reader.     d. footnotes.



Service Production


Service are not purchased from a supplier and stored on a shelf until ordered by the customer. Instead, they are manufactured or produced after they are requested by the customer. This in itself sets service retailing apart from goods retailing and places the retailer in the channel as the manufacturer as well as the retailer of the service being sold.


The placement of the retailer as the product of the service carries with it all the problems associated with the manufacture of goods-research and development, scheduling, raw materials acquisition, quality control and service consistency throughout various branch store operations.


The improvement or upgrading of services must be done by the retailer. Constant monitoring of completion and decisions on improving aspects of the service, as well as research into the satisfaction customers are experiencing with their purchases, are part of service management.


Scheduling of services retailing presents a dual problem. If the service is performed on a good owned by the customer (china repair, silver polishing, etc.), the production process can be scheduled in an orderly flow of first in, first out. The craft worker focuses on one item and, when finished with it, moves to the next. The scheduling process is more complicated where the service involves the individual (legal services, beauty care, driving lessons, and the like). With theses types of service, production and consumption take place at the same time. A scheduling of customers is required to maximize the production capabilities of the service offering. The driving instructor who has no student must sit idle. Greater attention may then be required in scheduling services, especially those involving the customer.


In the retailing of men’s suits, the quality control activity is left to the manufacturer, while in the retailing of services, the involvement with quality control standards rests with the retailer. Customers purchasing a shirt at the main store expect the same quality when they purchase an identical shirt at a branch store. This consistency in quality is assumed with goods retailing. The consistency of quality in service retailing is much more in doubt. The driving instructor at one store may be very different from an instructor at another store with the same retail chain. The involvement of the craft worker in the production process for custom draperies may also differ within the same retail store. To ensure the consistency of a service, the store must establish procedures and policies which can be implemented throughout each branch store within that chain. Central training may be the best way to accomplish this consistency. It is of course possible that a customer may develop a preference or loyalty to one specific craftsperson, but the development of loyalty to the store with consistency of the production process is a more healthy loyalty to cultivate. In this area, the store may try to develop a strong brand-name recognition for its service.


A faulty product may be covered under the manufacturers’ liability, yet the retailer, when becoming the manufacturer must be aware of the sole liability associated with the service. Other than the liability of faulty raw material, there’s no other recourse for the retailer to turn to. Store-liability coverage should be considered, and most likely increased, especially for those services performed on the individual (beauty services, dental treatments).


7. What is writer’s opinion about service retailing?

a. services are ordered by the customer.

b. service retailing is separated from goods retailing.

c. the retailer produces and sells services.

d. the retailer manufactures products as well.



8. According to the writer, the problem of scheduling services

a. involve services performed on a product and on a customer.

b. lies in the sequence of being served.

c. concerns the maximization of production capacities.

d. derives from the complex scheduling process.


9. What does the writer say about the consistency of quality in service?

a. it is impossible.  b. it is likely.  c. it is certain.  d. it is not sure.


10. According to the article, to ensure the same service quality provided in any one of the chain stores the store must

a. develop healthy customer loyalty.

b. assemble the staff and train them together.

c. draft regulations appropriate to each store.

d. make sure the procedures are carried out.


11. According to the writer, the liability associated with the service means that

a. the retailer has to hear the blame by himself.

b. the manufacturer should compensate for the flawed product.

c. the retailer has different responsibilities than the manufacturer of goods.

d. store liability covers the service involving the individual.

Part IV (30%)

Translate the following epigrams into Chinese and make short comments on each of them:

1Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness. ( Strong)

2 A man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame somebody else. ( J. Burroughs )

3 Work is the grand cure of all the maladies and miseries that ever beset mankind. ( Carlyle )

4 At twenty years of age, the will reigns; at thirty, the wit; and at forty, the judgment. ( B. Franklin)

5 The tragedy of life is not so much what men suffer, but what they miss. ( T. Carlyle )

6 To sensible men, every day is a day of reckoning. 

7 Genius is formed in quiet, character in the stream of life. (Goethe )

8 Wherever valour true is found, true modesty will there abound. ( W. S. Gilbert )

9 We can't all be heroes. Somebody has to sit on the curb and clap as they go by. (W. Roger )

10 Whom the gods destroy, they first make mad. (Euripides )


Part IV : 19% Write out a composition in no less than 200 words

On Courage




















Answer Sheet

同济大学硕士研究生课程期终考核试卷 (B卷)

2009 — 2010 学年第 1 学期

课名: 高级写作                  考试考查:考试

年级     专业      学号      ___姓名            

任课教师:冯天泽   得分     


1.A     2 A  3A 

4.A    5 A       6A 

7A  D     8 A  9A 


Part III: Reading Comprehension 11%  

1.A     2 A  3A 

4.A    5 A       6A 

7A  D    8 A   9A 

10A  11A            

Part II (30%)

1 Simile

2 Hyperbole:

3 Euphemism:

4 Synecdoche

5 Oxymoron:

6 Pun:

7 Syllepsis:

8 Paradox:

9 Transferred Epithet:

10 Onomatopoeia:



Part IV (30%) Translate the following epigrams into Chinese and make short comments on each of them:












Part IV : 19% Write out a composition in no less than 200 words



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