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i got my pakistan visa

(2007-04-26 21:50:10)
分类: 间隔年ing

Dear all who kindly concern about my gap year,

It’s been almost 5 months since my trip started on 1st DEC last year and I have visited 4 countries so far especially India in which I have been staying for almost 3 months. Even though I don’t have the feeling to leave this country but because of the visa stuff, I have to before 12th MAY. Since it’s a long trip, perhaps, people are easily to become lazy to move, and now, the “quick-move” tourism way is totally unsuitable for me. In this 2 and half months in India, I stayed in Kolcata for 25 days, Varanasi for 20 days and Pushkar (a small town) for 13 days, other time was spend on the big or famous but sometimes boring cities. Now I am in Dehli.

I got my Pakistanvisa this morning and will probably leave Indiabefore India visa’s expiry day. Pakistanis out of my original plan, but on the way, you never know. Things are changing, plans are changing. So, Pakistanreplace Nepal which I planned to visit before I come back china. anyway, I will go back china after my little circle-trip out around southern and western china.

As I don’t have any guide book and meet any travelers who visit India from Pakistan, that’s because there is only one way crossing between the India and Pakistan border (it’s forbidden for foreigner to visit India from Pakistan by the land road). Secondly, lots of countries’ embassies stop granting the introduction letter for native travelers since the 2 bomb events in Pakistan few months ago (most of the travelers need the introduction letter for applying the Pakistan visa but not for chinese), so it’s hard to meet someone who is going to visit Pakistan and, of course, it’s not that easy to get the travel information of Pakistan. Pakistanfor me, it’s such a strange country about which I know nothing.

After all, all the thing above is the reason that if I didn’t reply your email or upload some photo to my blog or didn’t call you for a long time. That’s not the problem of me but the problem of the country’s situation.

Pakistan is the first muslim country I will visit, I bet there is gonna be a big culture shock..

Wish me good luck 




haha, i look so much older, isn't it ?






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