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(2018-09-29 05:07:46)
    现今,纪念非标准分析(NSA)奠基人鲁宾逊(Abraham Robinson,1918.10.06 - 1974.08.11,享年56岁)诞辰100周年.具有重大现实意义。




袁萌  陈启清  9月29日


Innitesimals: History & Application

By Joel A. Tropp


An innitesimal is a number whose magnitude exceeds zero but somehow fails to exceed any nite, positive number. Although logically problematic, innitesimals are extremely appealing for investigating continuous phenomena. They were used extensively by mathematicians until the late 19th century, at which point they were purged because they lacked a rigorous foundation. In 1960, the logician Abraham Robinson revived them by constructing a number system, the hyperreals, which contains innitesimals and innitely large quantities. This thesis introduces Nonstandard Analysis (NSA), the set of techniques which Robinson invented. It contains a rigorous development of the hyperreals and shows how they can be used to prove the fundamental theorems of real analysis in a direct, natural way. (Incredibly, a great deal of the presentation echoes the work of Leibniz, which was performed in the 17th century.) NSA has also extended mathematics in directions which exceed the scope of this thesis. These investigations may eventually result in fruitful discoveries(导致硕果累累的发现).


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