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(2018-09-28 12:50:04)





袁萌  陈启清  928



A Gentle Introduction to Nonstandard Extensions


1. Introduction There are many introductions to nonstandard analysis, (some of which are listed in the References) so why write another one? All of the existing introductions have one or more of the following features:

(A) heavy use of logical formalism right from the start;

(B) early introduction of set theoretic apparatus inexcess of what is needed formost applications;

(C) dependence on an explicit construction of the nonstandard model, usually by means of the ultrapower construction. All three of these features have negative consequences. The early use of logical formalism or set theoretic structures is often uncomfortable for mathematicians who do not have a background in logic, and this can effectively deter them from using nonstandard methods. The explicit use of a particular nonstandard model makes the foundations too specic and inexible, and often inhibits the free use of the ideas of nonstandard analysis. In this exposition we intend to avoid these disadvantages. The readers for who  we have writte n are experienced mathematicians(includingadvanced students) who do not necessarily have any background in or even tolerance for symbolic logic. We hope to convince such readers that nonstandard methods are accessible and that the small amount of logical notation which turns out to be useful in applying them is actually simple and natural. Of course readers who do have a background in logic may also nd this approach useful. We give a natural, geometric denition of nonstandard extension in Section 2; no logical formulas are used and there are no set theoretic structures. In Section 3 we introduce logical notation of the kind that all students of

mathematics encounter, and we carefully show how it can be used without diculty to obtain useful facts about nonstandard extensions. In Section 4 we extend the concept of nonstandard extension to mathematical settings in which there may be several basic sets (such as the vector space setting, where there is a eld F and a vector space V ). In Sections 5 and 6 we show how these ideas can be used to introduce nonstandard extensions in which sets and other objects of higher type can be handled, as is certainly necessary for applications of nonstandard methods in such areas as abstract analysis and topology. However, we do this in stages; in particular, in Section 5 we indicate how to deal with nonstandard extensions in a simple setting where a limited amount of set theoretic apparatus has been introduced. Such limited frameworks for nonstandard analysis are nonetheless adequate for essentially all applications. Section 6 treats the full superstructure apparatus which has become one of the standard ways of formulating nonstandard analysis and which is frequently used in the literature. In Section 7 we briey discuss saturation properties of nonstandard extensions. In several places we introduce specic nonstandard extensions using the ultraproduct construction, and we explore the meaning of certain basic concepts (such as internal set) in these concrete settings. (See the last parts of Sections 2, 4, 5, and 7.) (本文栏目容量有限,以下省略)

    说明:想阅读全文,请搜索“FOUNDATIONS OF NONSTANDARD ANALYSIS北大袁萌”,在袁萌专栏中有全文电子版。


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