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(2018-09-17 15:04:46)



   回顾过去, 非标准分析与模型论传入中国已经40年。这个话题很沉重, 不堪回首。


   国际上, “非标”研究发展很快 , 成果多多;反观我们国内,网络上只有几个人在折腾不成气候。



袁萌   陈启清   917


1. Albeverio精神, S., Fenstad, J-E., Høegh-Krohn, R., and Lindstrøm, T., (1986) Nonstandard Methods in Stochastic Analysis and Mathematical Physics. Academic Press, New York.

2. Capin´ski, M. and Cutland, N. J., (1995) Nonstandard Methods for Stochastic Fluid Mechanics. World Scientic, Singapore.

3. Cutland, N. J., Editor, (1988) Nonstandard Analysis and its Applications. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

4. Davis, M., (1977) Applied Nonstandard Analysis. John Wiley & Sons, New York.

5. Van den Dries, L., Tame Topology and o-minimal Structures. (monograph in preparation).

6. Van den Dries, L. and Miller, C., Geometric categories and o-minimal structures. Duke Mathematical Journal, (to appear).

7. Van den Dries, L. and Wilkie, A. J., (1984) Gromov’s Theorem on groups of polynomial growth and elementary logic. Journal of Algebra. Pages 349–374.

8. Hurd, A. and Loeb, P. A., An Introduction to Nonstandard Real Analysis. Academic Press, New York. 9. Lindstrøm, T., (1988) An invitation to nonstandard analysis. In Cutland (1988). Pages 1–105.

10. Luxemburg, W. A. J.,(1969a) Applications of Model Theory to Algebra, Analysis, and Probability., Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, New York.

11. Luxemburg, W. A. J.,(1969b) A general theory of monads. In Luxemburg (1969a). Pages 18–86.  

12. Nelson, E., (1977) Internal set theory. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. Pages 1165–1193.

13. Robinson, A. and Zakon, E., (1969) A set-theoretical characterization of enlargements. In Luxemburg (1969a). Pages 109–122.

14. Robinson, A., (1966) Nonstandard Analysis. North-Holland, Amsterdam. (Second, revised edition, 1974).

15. Stroyan, K. and Luxemburg, W. A. J., (1976) Introduction to the Theory of Innitesimals. Academic Press, New York.



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