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(2008-05-23 01:42:32)


分类: 英语学习





日记二:Boys dig holes to let fresh air in


        [1] “This is the most famous blue and white porcelain of China...” my art teacher’s voice suddenly shuddered.


        [2] The earth began to shake fiercely, and the lights and fan fell from the ceiling. I heard my friend Chen Shasha screaming, “Earthquake! Earthquake!” But the ceiling had already collapsed before I had time to respond to her.


        [3] I lost consciousness.


        [4] When I awoke, I found myself sitting among scattered bricks. I did not realize how serious the accident was, I thought I was having a nightmare. I was drawn back to reality when I heard my classmates screaming. I smelled blood and felt pain on my legs when I tried to move them.


        [5] I had two friends on my left. Fortunately, they were okay. But, it was so painful that I almost could not breathe. I could not open my eyes. I almost fell asleep again, but I heard Guo Jinju and Wang Yinping shout at me, asking me to stay awake. So I persisted...


        [6] Boys in my class were digging holes in the classroom to let fresh air in. Then they tried to dig a passage with their bare hands, and finally, I found a way to escape.


                                                             ------ Yan Lan, class 1 grade 1, Beichuan Middle School




    [1] “这是中国最负盛名的青瓷------” 我们艺术老师的声音突然间战栗起来。


    [2] 地面开始猛烈地振动,灯管和风扇从顶棚掉了下来,我听到朋友陈珊珊一声尖叫:“地震啦!地震啦!”, 我还没有来得及回应她,顶棚就垮了下来。


    [3] 随后,我就失去了知觉。


    [4] 当我醒过来时,我发现自己坐在散落的砖块中,我还没有意识到问题的严重性,我还以为自己在做恶梦。当我听到同学们不断的尖叫声,才意识到这是真实的场景;我试着想移动自己的腿,感觉很痛,而且还能闻到浓浓的血腥味。


    [5] 有两个同学在我身体的左边,幸运的是他们都没事。当时,感到非常难受,因为几乎不能呼吸,也睁不开自己的眼睛。慢慢地,我快要睡着了,每当这种时候,我的同学高金菊和王银萍就大声地对我喊,保持清醒不要睡着,我就这样一直坚持着------


    [6] 班里的男生在房间的废墟中正在努力挖开一些窟窿,让新鲜空气能够透进来,后来,他们又努力地用双手刨出了一个通道,我们终于设法逃了出来。





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