李阳疯狂英语 新浪个人认证
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(2008-05-22 10:07:40)


分类: 英语学习



        [1] The best way to protect yourself against any disaster in life is to become the most skilled person you can be. The more abilities and skills you possess, the more readily you can help yourself and others. 

       [1] 在生活中保护自己最好的方法就是成为最有本事的人!你拥有的技能越多,你帮助你自己和别人的能力就越强!


        [2] Knowledge saves lives. You owe it to yourself and everyone around you to become the most talented person you can possibly be. It is your responsibility to acquire skills and use them well.

        [2] 知识挽救生命。为了你自己和周围所有的人,你有义务成为最棒的人!学习技能,善用技能是你的责任!


         [3] The ability to predict earthquakes, the organization skills to coordinate relief efforts and the power to communicate the severity of a situation all depend on your willingness to learn.

        [3] 预告的地震的能力、救灾的组织能力、紧急状态下的沟通的能力都等待你去学习。


        [4] The most valuable members of society are those who are willing to make the commitment to improving themselves then spreading that commitment to everyone they meet.

        [4] 一个社会最宝贵的成员就是那些愿意全力以赴改进自我的的人,并同时把这种信念传达给周围的人。


        [5] The best way to remember is not to look back in sorrow, but to move ahead with determination!

        [5] 对灾难最好的记忆不是悲伤地沉溺于过去,而是坚定地走向未来!




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