(2010-07-20 17:52:58)
世界美学大会杂谈 |
分类: 艺术哲学 |
第十八届国际美学大会论文 · 北京大学 · 2010.8.9-13
On Two Concepts of Art:
The Causes of Failures in Defining Art
The great enterprise of defining art consists of a string of failures and losers, including the big shots such as Plato, Aristotle and Tolstoy.
For joining them, I’d like to contribute my own might-be-mistake for your criticism, which is just the purpose for such a meeting.
What I’d like to tell you is that …
Art is something we already know so well.
The thing we know so well has become seemingly utterly unknowable to us since it got the modern name “art”. So the Neo-Wittgensteinians even believe that art cannot be defined.
We are accustomed to believe that every distinctive noun is corresponding to a different sort of things in the world, hence, when a thing gets a new name, we would mistakenly think we have got a new and different thing.
For example, a man is suddenly called father-in-law, the fact does not mean that he has become somebody else different from himself. He has just got a new title, nothing else. Of course, his daughter has just been married to a man, and he correspondingly has been involved in a new layer of social relations. But these facts do not change the nature of the man. He is still himself. There is no such a thing as father-in-law-ness. Of course, everyone knows a father-in-law is a man.
However, Imaginative creation has got a modern name “art”, so we mistakenly think art is something rather than imaginative creation, but some other different thing.
We are still laboriously looking for the “some other different thing”.
我们至今仍然在辛苦地寻找这个“某种不同的东西” 。
But we are riding a donkey while looking for the donkey we are riding.
Art is nothing but imaginative creation.
This is a broadly-defined concept of art.
Art can be imitation or representation because they are imaginative creation. It is pretty wise for Kendall L. Walton to generalize them as make-believe.
艺术可以是模仿或者再现,因为模仿或再现是想象性的创造。肯达尔 · 沃尔顿把它们概括为“假装相信”是很高明的。
Art is not expression of feelings; however, art can be imaginative creation of expression of feelings.
Art is not forms at all, whether with or without significance; however, art can be imaginative creation of interesting forms.
However, this concept of art seems too inclusive.
But it should be so inclusive.
Back in old time, these things were as useful as a bike, but we still regard them as artworks. Why? Because they are imaginative creations.
Actually bikes and Duchamp's bike wheel are also artworks, namely, imaginative creations; however, being an artwork will not guarantee a admission to occupy the precious space in an art museum.
This concept is pretty good at reflecting
the essence of art even though it is awkward in dealing with a bike
or a bike wheel, so we need a narrow-defined concept of art as a
work definition of art
Art is imaginative creation practiced in a social institution mainly for the encouragement of free exertion and appreciation of imaginative creativity.
This is my definition of art in modern sense.
The birth of the modern concept of art
The modern concept was invented by the Frenchman, Charles Batteux. In 1746, in The Fine Arts Reduced to a Single Principle, he offered a modern name “the fine arts” for the age-old practices such as painting, sculpture, dance, music and poetry, which are the members of the family with the title Art with a capital letter.
现代的艺术概念是法国人夏尔 · 巴托发明的。1746年,在《归于单一原则的美的艺术》这篇论文中,他为绘画、雕塑、舞蹈、音乐和诗歌等等古老的人类实践方式起了 “美的艺术” 这一现代名称,简称 “艺术”。
Batteux’s paper symbolizes the establishment of the “system of the fine arts”, that is, of arts in modern sense. In other words, the concept of art that we are now chatting about thereby came into being.
巴托的论文标志着 “美的艺术制度”(即现代意义的艺术)的确立。换言之,我们现在喋喋不休的那个艺术概念,由此诞生了。
The“single principle” Batteux offered, that is, “the imitation of beautiful nature”, is utterly untenable.
However, a
modern art institution and a modern term “art” thereby have begun
to exist, and spread to most parts of the
然而,一个现代的艺术体制,以及一个现代的词语 “艺术”,却由此从法国开始存在了,并且传播到全球的大多数地方。
What we should acutely be conscious of is that (1) the age-old practices such as painting, sculpture, dance, music and poetry are not modern, and they could be properly generalized as imaginative creation. And (2) these imaginative creation activities are now practiced in a new social institution mainly for the encouragement of free exertion and appreciation of imaginative creation. So my definition seems to be right…
Art is imaginative creation practiced in a social institution mainly for the encouragement of free exertion and appreciation of imaginative creativity.
I am self-satisfied with my art definition. It contains two elements, natural and cultural, that is, imagination and creation as the biological competence, and institution.
George Dickie’s definition is short of the natural element. And it is too friendly to modernism in which everything goes; however, a definition too friendly is not a definition at all.
乔治 · 迪基的定义缺少自然因素。它对“什么都行”的现代主义很友好,而很友好的定义不是定义。
“Father-in-law” and “marriage” also contain both
natural and cultural
“岳父” 和 “婚姻” 也包含自然因素和文化因素。岳父是一个一定年龄段的男人,再加上由他的女儿的婚姻而来的一些社会关系。
Marriage is sexual bond institutionalized.
A woman can not be a father-in-law; and a person and a chair can not form a marriage; and an activity short of imaginative creativity can not and should not be art. In the endeavor of defining of art, essentialism is neither wholly wrong nor wholly right.
Imaginative creativity is the gene for a thing to be an artwork. Without such a gene, a thing can be anything but an artwork.
想象性的创造性是一个东西作为艺术品的 “基因”。若无这个基因,一个东西可能是任何东西,却不是一个艺术品。
George Dickie has been fully conscious of that art is institutional, but it is inconvenient for him to mention the imaginative creativity which is necessary for a thing to be an artwork because the so-called artworks with the title modernism surrounding him usually lack of such a quality: everything goes.
乔治 · 迪基充分意识到了艺术的制度性,但他不便强调艺术的想象性的创造性,因为他周围的那些被冠以现代主义这个名堂的所谓艺术品缺乏这种品质:什么都行。
The “system of the fine arts” described by Charles Batteux is just the “artworld” described by George Dickie.
夏尔 · 巴托描述的 “现代美的艺术的制度” 正是乔治 · 迪基描述的“艺术界”。
George Dickie is often rebuked for his refusal to offer an explanation of the reasons for the existence of the “artword” and of the principles for the artworld’s confering the status of being a candidate for appreciation to an artifact.
乔治 · 迪基常常遭到指责,因为他拒绝提供一个解释,来说明“艺术界”的存在理由,以及“艺术界”为一个人工品授予供欣赏的候选者地位的原则。
So, we’d better to inquire the reasons for the emergence of the “system of the fine arts” described by Charles Batteux.
因此,我们最好讯问一下夏尔 · 巴托描述的 “现代美的艺术的制度” 出现的原因。
What I can do here is only to make a guess. Some kind of luxury was gradually emerging in Western civilization since Renaissance, that is, the free exertion of imaginative creation without any practical purposes, while the imaginative creation had already been used for the practical purpose of civilization construction from time immemorial.
Painting, sculpture, dance, music and poetry, convenient for the free exertion of imaginative creation, were put by Batteux in a new category with a name “Art” with a capital letter.
绘画、雕塑、舞蹈、音乐和诗歌,便于形象性的创造活动的自由发挥,被巴托归入了一个新范畴,其名为大写的 “艺术”。
The listing and categorizing are arbitrary and experiential, and not based on some logical truth. He did not mention Chinese calligraphy and later appeared movie – of course, It is impossible for him to know of these “forms of art”.
巴托的列举和归类是武断和经验性的,并不基于逻辑真理。中国的书法以及后世的电影未被提到——当然,他不知道这些 “艺术形式”。
Hence, art in modern sense is by no means a newborn thing; it is nothing but the imaginative creation that has existed from time immemorial, nevertheless often without practical purposes.
For the ancient Greeks, this statue is as useful as an axe; for the Parisian in the 18th century, it is useless, therefore it is regarded as an artwork.
The cave painting 30 or 40 thousand years ago must be an artwork because it is an imaginative creation; and whether it has something to do with some primitive religion is quite another question.
There is no such a thing as “artisticquality”. What has been mistaken as “artisticquality” is nothing but imaginative creativity.
世界上不存在“艺术性”这种东西。被我们误认为 “艺术性”的东西,仅仅是想象性的创造性而已。
乔治 · 迪基的制度论艺术定义:
“The Institutional definition of Art” by George Dickie:
“x is an artwork if and only if (1) x is an artifact (2) upon which someone acting on behalf of a certain institution (the artworld) confers the status of being a candidate for appreciation.”
speaking, George Dickie’s definition is correct; its defect is that
it is short of an explanation of the principles
I’d like to make a complement for Dickie…
The principle of the conferment is to see if a candidate is a high-caliber product of imaginative creation, and the object of appreciation is the imaginative creativity expressed in the product.
According Dickie’s definition with my
complement, these
So Arthur Danto does not mention appreciation at all. He is right in this point for they are nothing for appreciation; instead he has to say they are “about something”.
因此,亚瑟 · 丹托不提欣赏,他是对的,因为它们没有什么可欣赏的,却说这些东西“关于什么”。
If many people are interested in them, they should make a new name for them. It is not right to call them artworks. The social activity around this sort of things is really an utterly new phenomenon emerged in the Western societies in the last century, a queer phenomenon that has not been understood well up to the present.
If we presuppose