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分类: 价值投资大师及言论

By Brian Zen, SuperinvestorDigest.com Feb. 21, 2006






这个勇敢到能够称自己为“懦夫”的人,却从不缺乏耸人听闻和让人瞠目结舌的言论。马丁·惠特曼70年代开始于“过度付费的破产专家”之一。因为共同基金行业是一个拥有“偷窃许可证”的行业,1990年,他通过秘密的敌意收购一家封闭基金而进入资金管理行业,然后将此基金转为开放式。 他承认,他与一些关心少数股东利益的有能力的管理人混得很好(goes to bed)。在1989-1999年期间,当他的价值基金业绩不佳,投资人成群结队地赎回时他有些不安,他不遮掩地与记者开玩笑,“有关处理公共关系的问题,你可以引用我的话,screw 'em!”


利用有关共同基金行业的直接经验,马丁·惠特曼对Legg Mason这样的资产管理公司做了大量的投资。对惠特曼而言,资金管理是一个比George Washington桥上的收费站还要好的生意。“基金经理没有信用风险,没有库存,没有固定资产,没有债务,你们只要注意一下管理费用就好了。” 马丁·惠特曼大笑着说。


尽管偶尔会有艰难时刻。1998-1999年,Third Avenue Fund旗下的资产由500亿美元降到了380亿,这促使马丁·惠特曼用William Vanderbilt著名的话“这些该死的大众(The public be damned)!”来回应。












资产重于盈利(Assets Over Earnings






马丁·惠特曼认为,盈利和盈利能力被过于重视,在他的书Value Investing: A Balanced Approach中,他奉劝从商者不要把一个财务数据,比如说净利润,看得比其它数字更重要。它们都是全景中的一部分。Besides, profits are may be viewed as the least desirable way to create wealth because of the income-tax disadvantage. 着眼于一个公司所具有的资产资源的数量和质量,比预测它的盈利要容易得多。资产的价值可以升值,可以放大(enhanced),可以销售或者转换为更有生产力的什么东西。


Quality Assets

格雷厄姆和多德也强调资产负债表的重要性。但马丁·惠特曼感觉格雷厄姆和多德过多地谈论了资产负债表的定量问题而不是定性问题。对惠特曼来说,高质量意味着低负债、生地的亩数(acreage of raw land),管理的资产(assets under management),全额租金(fully paid rent)以及其它易于被估值的资产(other assets that can be easily valued)。例如,他拥有的一些公司在房地产有大量投资,而这些可能被格雷厄姆和多德划分为不令人不喜欢的和忽视的固定资产。但惠特曼知道,他抄起电话就可以轻松地把A级写字楼卖给信誉良好的长期承租人。


马丁·惠特曼thinks like a LBO control buyer. He asks: "How can I finance the transaction?" It is a balance sheet question regarding what can be put up as collateral to secure lending from the bankers.


Marty also has a special eye for well-positioned assets throwing off solid cash flows and using non-recourse debt. Unlike traditional debt, non-recourse debt holders or creditors lack the legal power to bring the debtors to the court or force a reorganization. So non-recourse debt is not a threat to the safety of the stockholders' position. For example, Forest City has a lot of debt but it is nonrecourse. In other words, the debt is taken on individual properties. The lender can't force the parent company into a reorganization if there's a default on a loan taken on a particular piece of property.


在评估无形资产方面,马丁·惠特曼坚持容易理解的方式,比如共同基金管理下的资产。无形的媒体资产对他来说则太难了。他最近看了看Tribune Co. (TRB) 但最终拒绝了。 马丁·惠特曼特别提防那些能够创造“财富”但同时却消耗着现金的所谓利润,如果你由烧钱来赢取利润,早早晚晚,你不得不求助于资本市场,但你需要时,它并不一定在那儿。


与有能力的管理层相处(Go To Bed With Competent Management

Marty Whitman looks for reasonably competent managing or controlling groups that care about minority shareholders. Community vs. conflict of interests is always the problem facing investors. Sole proprietorship is the only place where there is no conflict of interest.




Marty Whitman does spend a lot of time talking to the management, but he is much more document-driven than other money managers. "评估管理层是我做的最难的事情,相比较而言,其它所有的事情都是容易的。" said Marty Whitman. He had been impressionable when executives of semi-conductor equipment manufacturers visited him, feeling that each guy is more impressive than the next. He saw these really great managements that have a sense of urgency - great engineers trying to do good things. He also visited Japan, where they invested in some property-and-casualty insurers, where he thought he was dealing with deadheads who are not driven to create shareholder value.


可以理解的和诚肯的披露(Understandable and Honest Disclosures

Marty Whitman is very document-intensive. He feels that a company's documentary disclosures must be understandable so that someone with an I.Q. of 70 should be able to interpret the disclosures. He only invests in businesses where he can appreciate the excellent documentary disclosures from the company. If he can't understand the disclosure statements, he doesn't bother to meet the management.


Whitman doesn't meet the management before he studies the proxy statement, understand the compensation arrangements, analyze past transactions of the management, and scrutinize the accounting choices.


Whitman looks for the kind of company that provides excellent disclosure that supplements required filings and provides non-GAAP measures that is often critical in assessing the true health of a business and its balance sheet.


什么是便宜(What Is Cheap? )

经过对资产、管理层和披露文件的仔细研究,马丁·惠特曼要以那些高质量资产私募市场价值(Private market value),也就是每股的净资产值加以很大折扣的基础上买入。 例如,他第二大持仓是Forest City Enterprises (FCE-A). 在他1990s买入的时候,它具有获利能力的资产(income-producing properties)估价是每股$80 to $90,但你可以在$17买入所有的股份。惠特曼说的净资产值是一个公司的收购价或私募市场的拍卖价(a takeover or a private market auction)。


马丁·惠特曼对净资产的什么折扣算是便宜呢?“一个私募收购买家(private takeover buyer)对一家企业的出价是1美元,我要求是50-60美分。”惠特曼说,他组合中80%的公司都是以容易看到的净资产价值(readily ascertainable net asset values)的基础上折扣买入的。这是不火箭科技。很多房地产、可销售证券(marketable securities),共同基金管理的公司(mutual fund management companies)都可以UAM3-4%的内在价值上买入(bought at intrinsic values of 3 to 4 % of assets under management (UAM))。Toyota Industries is a way of buying Toyota Motors at a meaningful discount.


"It is absolutely crazy to pay more than 60 cents on a dollar for non-controlling interests in businesses. The outsiders always face agency problems," said Marty Whitman.


单凭经验的估值(Valuation Rules Of Thumb




·抵押贷款组合: 计算到期收益和履行信用分析

·Financial-guaranty insurers: Adjusted book value - a publicly disclosed number that is book value plus the equity in the present value of certain future premiums.

·保险公司: 调整后的帐面价值

·房地产公司: 私募评估价值(Private appraisal value)或市场价值

·房地产投资信托 (REITs): 评估价值或者营业现金流的折现价

·经纪/经销(Broker/dealer)和资产管理者: 有形帐而价值+ 2%的AUM.

·运营公司(Operating companies): 10倍的峰值利润或低于净资产价值

·科技公司: 2倍帐面价值,低于10倍峰值利润,2倍收入,现金大于负债

马丁·惠特曼不买财产和伤亡保险股。他希望在保险业的损失为零,虽然连管理者自己都不知道损失将是什么。他不投资其它类型的金融机构。He is currently using a 6% discount rate to capitalize cash flow from Hong Kong rental properties whereas those properties could be readily sold at 5% capitalization rate.



1、抵押贷款组合(mortgage portfolio)是支持按揭证券(MBS)的资产,MBS持有人获得的利息与收回的本金来自这个资产组合。提前偿付意味着MBS所依赖的贷款资产减少,收回的现金可能无法获得比MBS更好的回报。因此,虽然MBS发行时即已考虑了提前偿付的风险,若提前还款的速度较预期为快,MBS的价格通常会下跌。

2、AUM: asset under management



According to Marty Whitman, traditional growth investing is essentially paying up for widely recognized growth with the hope that the growth will continue.

"We are growth investors, too," declared Martin Whitman, "We buy into the kind of growth that is not generally recognized while most other growth investors buy into generally recognized growth and they have to pay up for that." The key here is to figure out the value of future growth. "华尔街上的人们了解价格的所有东西,但对于价值却一无所知" 惠特曼说. (For Part II, Click Here!)


Brian Zen, CFA, PhD, is the founder of Zenway.com Inc., an investment research firm that publishes Superinvestor Digest and provides training and advisory services to investors and analysts. Complete notes of Martin Whitman's talk at NYSSA can be requested from Brian at: bzen@zenway.com


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