1、《矩阵分析:卷1,卷2》《MATRIX ANALYSIS》
4.0 国际专业著名刊物
ACM Transactions on Information Systems
VC++中文件类型小结 .dsw---- 这种类型的文件在VC中是级别最高的,称为Workspace文件 .dsp---- 在VC中,应用程序是以Project的形式存在的,Project文件的扩展名为.dsp,在Workspace文件中可以包含多个Project,由Workspace文件对它们进行统一的协调和管理,每个工程都对应一个dsp文件 .opt---- 与dsw类型的Workspace文件像配合的一个重要的文件类型是以opt为扩展名的文件,这个文件中包含的是Workspace文件中要用大本地计算机的有关配置信息,所以这个文件不能在不同的计算机上共享。当我们打开一个Workspace文件时,如果系统找不到需要的opt类型文件,就会自动的创建一个与之配合的包含本地计算机信息的opt文件。 .clw---- 以clw为扩展名的文件是用来存放应用程序中用到的类和资源的信息,这些信息是VC中的ClassWi
In statistics, inter-rater reliability, inter-rater agreement,
or concordance is the degree of agreement among raters. It gives a
score of how much homogeneity, or consensus, there is in the
ratings given by judges. It is useful in refining the tools given
to human judges, for example by determining if a particular scale
is appropriate for measuring a particular variable. If various
raters do not agree, either the scale is defective or the raters
need to be re-trained.
There are a number of statistics which can be used to
determine inter-rater reliability. Different statistics are
appropriate for different types of measurement. Some options are:
joint-probability of agreement, Cohen's kappa and the related
Fleiss' kappa, inter-rater correlation, concordance correlation
coefficient and intra-class correlation.
raters can disagree about measurement