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(2019-11-27 21:12:26)






ICPC 2019 Asia East Continent Contest Rules and WF Teams Selection.


  (2019 Rules are mostly same as those in 2016 except sentences highlighted in red fonts that are to cover some loose end of the rules conventionally applied, but not in writing.)

[Partial English Translations of these Resolutions are embedded in this document. Paragraphs without English Translation are relevant only for Chinese teams. English translation shall be credited to the translation team from Shanghai University. ] 

ICPC 2019 中国大陆地区特别规则

**香港赛站及平壤赛站,请看第III.D III.E.1 条款**

[**For Hong Kong and North Korea contest sites, please refer to item III.D and III.E.3 **]

 I.   所有亚洲及中国赛区直接接受亚洲委员会的领导

所有Asia East Continent 及中国赛区各赛站组委会直接接受亚洲委员会主席及Asia East Continent Steering Committee的领导,提高各赛场组委会的自主度、完整性及独立运作。



 [ICPC is the organization authorizing all Asia regional contests including Asia East Continent contests.

ICPC Multi-provincial Contest Council is the organization authorizing all of provincial, multi-provincial, invitational and metropolitan contests.]


II.     各赛站的自主精神及独立性

亚洲区委2019年规则是驾驭 Asia East Continent 2019规则” 的,而且是必须遵行的精神。下列A项是亚洲2019年规则的一部分(中文版)。这几项规则是对中国大陆各赛站组委会(即各承办学校)非常重要的规范。 

A.保持ICPC 比赛的自主独立精神及ICPC的完整性。

(a) 各亚洲区域赛赛站(包括中国大陆赛站)组委会必须保证ICPC 比赛的独立及完整。除了亚洲主席特别许可的特别情况下,ICPC比赛不得接受第三者的参与及指令,而且不得在第三方的网上公布比赛有关的信息。

(b) 欢迎所有义工(志愿者)及个人参加ICPC义工行列。各赛站组委会保证必须把义工列入该赛场组委会StaffList名单里并接受各赛站组委会的管理。

(c) 各赛站组委会保证最后的网页首页设计必须取得亚洲区主席的批准,而且除了赞助商、ICPC总部,亚洲主席博客及承办学校之外,不得有任何其他非ICPC的链接。

(d) 各赛站组委会可允许赞助商的广告,包括产品、服务及招聘广告等等。但承办学校组委会保证不得接受赞助商或第三者的其他要求。组委会更不得接受由第三方转手的任何赞助。 

B. 关于申请主办亚洲赛区分站赛的条件。

(a) 在承办亚洲区赛之前,承办学校必须承办省赛、省际邀请赛或大都会赛,且必须申请在ICPC官方网站上注册并在ICPC官网上公布竞赛排名。

(b) 亚洲分站赛应列为学校级的重要科技活动,并建议由校级领导担任组委会主任,以对赛事活动的全过程进行监管与支持。承办学校院长(或副院长、处长),甚至校长(或副校长)必须承诺比赛的自主、独立及完整性。

III. 2019中国大陆赛区子规则






[Teams Advancing from First Round Online Sub-contests]

[In view of limits of space and  power supply in Asia East contest sites, as well as large participation of universities and contestants, the First Round Online Sub-contests are aimed at selecting nominal amount of universities.

University rankings are the rankings of the first team of each university;

Teams of university, which rank among the 10%-60% of the nominal amount, will automatically advance one team to on-site contests (Host University can decide the 10%-60% of nominal amount at its discretion or propose fair and meaningful formula/rules to advance teams with the approval of Asia Executive Director).]

 A 关于中国大陆高校晋级中国大陆亚洲分站赛的现场赛名额的规定

1  除满足以上条件的学校可获得一个参赛名额以外,符合如下条件的学校可以获得额外的参赛名额:

(a)   近三年内在世界总决赛中取得名次的学校(包括奖牌学校,及WF名次12名以外的非奖牌学校)可以在每一赛站增加一队;

(b)   当年的亚洲分站预赛的承办学校可在每一赛站增加一队;

(c)   参赛队数大于或等于50队规模的ICPC注册的省赛(现场赛)和省际邀请赛(现场赛)或大都会赛(现场赛)承办学校可在就近2个赛站各增加一队;

(d)   ICPC注册的省赛(现场赛)或省际邀请赛(现场赛)或大都会赛(现场赛)中取得女队第一名(且总排名在前三分之一)的学校的女队可直接参加同一分站赛的现场赛;

(e)   ICPC注册的省赛、省际赛或大都会赛名列前10%的学校可在就近同一分站赛增加一队。

(f)   偏远地区包括新疆、青海、宁夏、甘肃、陕西、西藏、贵州、海南、云南、广西、内蒙古的学校可由网络赛及ICPC注册的省际赛直接参加就近一个亚洲赛站的现场赛;

(g)  亚洲分站赛承办学校认可的其他条件,但任何参加现场赛的队伍一定是同一分站赛的网络赛或ICPC省赛、省际赛或大都会赛上注册的队伍。

2  参与为亚洲分站赛出题的学校不能在该赛站出线到WF,但该校将可得到其他赛站的参赛名额补偿。

3  参加亚洲分站赛的所有特邀队(如高中队)不参加任何ICPC排名(特邀队不在ICPC注册系统中注册,承办学校可自行决定特邀队奖项)。

4  根据以上规定,原则上一个学校在一场亚洲分站赛中至多只能派出3支队伍。具体数量由相应赛站承办学校确定。

5  包括香港、北朝鲜、蒙古及其他境外队伍可不必参加网络预赛,可直接注册现场赛,除非特殊情况,各赛站组委会不得拒绝这些队伍参与现场赛。

[ A.  Rules on Mainland China Slots Advancing to Asia Regional On-Site Contests from Online Contests.]

[1Apart from Universities that meet the above requirements being awarded one contest slot, universities qualifying the requirements below can also get an additional contest slot:]

[(a) Universities that get ranking in world finals in the last three years (including universities awarded with medals as well as universities ranking behind top twelve positions without medals) can add one more team in every contest site.

 (b) Host University of Asia first round Sub-contests for the same year can add one more team in each contest site;

(c)   Host Universities of registered ICPC provincial and multi-provincial (on-site), invitational (on-site) or metropolitan contests can also add one more team each at the nearest two contest sites, if the number of registered teams in that provincial contest are larger or equal to fifty;

(d) The best female teams (also ranked within the top 1/3)  in registered ICPC provincial multi-provincial (on-site), invitational (on-site) or metropolitan contests can directly participate in on-site contests in the same contest sites;

(e)  Universities ranking at top 10% of registered ICPC provincial, multi-provincial or metropolitan contests can add one more team in the same contest sites nearby.


(g)  In addition to the above requirements, the participant teams of on-site contests must have registered in the same contest sites in online contest, or in corresponding ICPC provincial, multi-provincial or the metropolitan contests.]


[4In light of requirements above, in principle, a university can only have at most three teams for Asia Regional On-site Contests. The specific number of teams may be decided by Host University committee of the specific contests.

 5 Foreign teams from East Continent Region including Hong Kong, North Korea, Mongolia, Macau needn’t participate in First Round Online Sub-contests and can directly register on-site contest. Unless under special circumstance, the Hosting Committee of each contest site shall not disqualify these teams to participate in the on-site contests.]

B.  排名与证书

1 亚洲区域赛各赛站排名。



2  关于获奖证书。


(a) 金、银、铜奖证书



(b) ICPC排名证书


C.  关于晋级Asia East Continent-Final名额的规定

(a)  Asia East Continent-Final赛站承办学校承担及享有其他分站赛相同的义务及优惠,但参加Asia East Continent-Final,不算进(即不计入)参加亚洲分站赛的两站的限制。 

(b)  建议在中国大陆亚洲分站赛中取得大学排名前35的队伍可获得East Continent-Final参赛资格,但不得更换参赛队员。(或各赛区获得铜牌以上包括铜牌的队伍获得参赛资格)。承办East Continent-Final 的学校可以自行决定增加各分站比赛的名额,但是必须比赛前在该校赛站主页上公布该条件。

(c)  原则上,同一所学校至多只能派出3支队伍参加East Continent-Final。承办East Continent-Final的学校可以自行决定超出3支队的情况。

(d)  各区域赛承办学校有3个特别East Continent-Final建议名额,并需要经过East Continent-Final承办学校同意。

(e)  承办East Continent-Final的学校可以组队参加East Continent-Final比赛,参与排名,但是不在East Continent-Final中竞争WF出线名额。

 (f) East Continent-Final 的现场赛的注册队伍必须来自当年其他亚洲分站赛的注册队伍。

[C.  Rules on Advancing to East Continent -Final]

[(a)  Host University of East Continent-Final contest bears the same obligations and benefits as other Asia contest hosts. Participantion of East Continent-Final does not count toward the restrictions of two Asia Regional Contests.

(b)  It is suggested that teams ranking in top thirty-five in Asia Regional On-site Contests in Mainland China shall be qualified to participate in the East Continent-Final but their team members mustn’t be changed. Host University of East Continent-Final may increase contest slots or may decide the slots at its discretion and need to announce the decision on the Host University website before the contest.

 (c)  In principle, a university can have at most three teams for East Continent-Final. Host University of East Continent-Final can make some adjustment if the number of teams is more than three.

(d)  Host University of each contest site can nominate three special teams to East Continent-Final  with the approval of Host University Committee of East Continent-Final.]


 (f) Teams attending East Continent-Final must be also a registered team in any Asia Regional Contest in current year.

D. 中国大陆赛站及境外赛站的关系。

(a) 中国大陆各赛站及香港,(北朝鲜赛站)同为亚洲East Continent赛区的一部分。

(b) 中国大陆队伍,可在香港及北朝鲜赛站竞争WF参赛名额。

(c) 蒙古,北朝鲜,及香港队伍,亦可在中国大陆各赛站竞争WF参赛名额。如果要在East Continent-Final赛站争取WF名额时,需经East Continent-Final组委会同意。

(d) 中国大陆各赛站的参与名额是把East Continent赛区的总名额减掉香港赛站(北朝鲜赛站)的名额而得(亚洲East Continent 赛区的参与名额是由ICPC Headquarter 决定。)

(e) 2019年亚洲规则规定,所有亚洲队伍都可以去亚洲任何赛场参加比赛,但是一个队伍必须从自己的赛区出线。

[D. Relations between Mainland China and Foreign Contest Sites。]

[(a) Mainland China contest sites, as well as Hong Kong and North Korea contest sites are parts of Asia East Continent Regional Contests.

(b) Teams of Mainland China can compete for WF slots in Hong Kong (and North Korea ) contest sites.

(c) Teams of Mongolia, North Korea, Macau and Hong Kong can compete for WF slots in China contest sites as well. However, to compete for WF slots in East Continent-Final Contest  requires the approval from Hosting Committee of East Continent-Final.

(d)  The participation slots of Mainland China are the slots that after removing participation slots of Hong Kong (and North Korea) from total participation slots of East Continent Region. (The Participation Slots of Asia contest sites are decided by ICPC Headquarter.)

(e) According to 2019 Asia rules, all Asia teams can participate in any Asia contests, but advancing to WF must be from on-site contests of their home Regions. ]

E. 有关中国大陆地区赛站入围世界总决赛名额的规定和限制

   入围世界总决赛名额(WF Slots)分为参与名额(Participation Slots)、奖牌名额(Medal Slots,俗称铁牌队名额)和其他红利名额(Other Bonus Slots)三类。 All 名额是从ICPC总部分配给东亚洲大陆赛区EC,包括中国大陆赛区)的部分;奖牌名额是根据上一年度总决赛结果直接分配给获得奖牌的铁牌学校的名额;其他红利名额是reserved for 亚洲区主席的额外奖励名额。

[World Final Slots (hereinafter as WF slots) are divided into three categories including Participation Slots, Medal Slots (also named as metal Medal Slots) and other Bonus Slots, among which the Participation Slots and Medal slots refer to the slots that ICPC headquarter allocate to Asia East Continent region including Mainland China contest sites. Medal Slots are directly assigned to metal medal universities according to the WF results last year. Other Bonus Slots are reserved for Asia Director to be allocated to particular universities in particular sub-regions according to universities’ contributions to ICPC and other factors.]

1 Some Restriction on the number of WF teams:

       [These paragraphs in item E.1 are in English only; There is no corresponding Chinese Writing.]

 (a) If there is A WF slots for the Asia East Continent  and B Regional Contest Sites excluding EC Final, and if A is larger than B by 2, the medal Institute of a WF medal team from most recent WF, will automatically have a team advanced to next WF provided that the medal teams must participate in an Asia Regional contest with a rank of 10 or better to be qualified. The number of medal teams allowed is limited by the difference of A B – 2. The teams from Medal Institute will be assigned the same rank as the next best  team and will be removed from qualified list before distributing the WF participation slots.

 (b) The hosting preference teams (承办学校的优惠) may be awarded only if A – B – (# of medal teams) is larger than 2.

 (c) If the winning one team from Hong Kong (and North Korea) is a non-HK team and the team is also qualified for WF from their home site, this winning team must use the WF slot from their home site. The next best ranked team will become the winning team.

If the winning non-HK team from Hong Kong site is not qualified for WF from their home site, this non-HK winning team will use the HK slot and advanced to WF. (Special permission requested by Asia HK Contest committee.)

If the winning one team from Hong Kong (or North Korea) is a HK team, then this winning HK team will use the slot from HK site even other teams from the same university are also qualified for WF from another non-HK site. This HK team from HK site may not be changed for any reason so that the participation slots allocation complexity in China sites can be avoided.

 (d) The # of WF slots allocated to HK site is 1 if the HK site score is less than 1.5 and may be 2 if the site score is larger than 1.5 subject to the adjustment of the round-off calculation error.

 2 中国大陆承办学校的优惠和限制:

 (a) 承办当年亚洲分站赛的中国大陆学校只能从其他赛站获得出线名额。承办亚洲区分站竞赛的中国大陆地区学校的参赛队,若在非本赛站的其他中国大陆地区的亚洲分站赛取得WF出线排名10(含第10)名的,或在EC-Final中取得WF出线排名18(含第18)名的,可以直接获得1WF参与名额。(此承办优惠规则在201x年及以后将有限制。)

(b) 201x年及以后,承办学校优惠名额的限制:

i)承办学校的赛站分数,如果在东亚洲大陆赛区100分的基础下,小于”x 分及以下,承办学校当年将不能得到优惠。(亚洲区主席将在2017年亚洲区域赛前,决定 x”)


比如,A 大学承办2016亚洲区域赛而获得承办优惠名额后,即使2017承办也没有优惠,要想再次获得承办优惠,A大学需再承办两年 (2018或以后),则A大学在这两年的第二年可再享受优惠。

[For example, A University A receives hosting preference slot in 2016 Asia Regionals, then the University A will not be qualified for the 2017 hosting preference slot until two more years of hosting Asia Regionals.]

iii)承办学校的优惠 只能用于承办当年

(c) ICPC的精神是除了帮助优秀队伍的突出之外,更要推广到偏远的学校及学生。有些地区从没有或很少队伍出线到世界大赛,这些地区包括新疆、青海、宁夏、甘肃、陕西、西藏、贵州、海南、云南、广西、内蒙古。如果承办学校是坐落在这些地区,优惠出线前10名的限制将可放宽,直接获得1个参与名额。至于如何放宽由亚洲区主席斟酌决定。

(d) 如果世界大赛名额不足够提供给所有承办学校队优惠,则将按照每个学校对亚洲分站赛所做贡献的程度列出其优先的排序,决定获得参加总决赛的优惠名额。

3  为东亚洲大陆赛区分站赛命题(包括审题)高校:不能从对应赛站的现场赛获得出线名额。(特别情况可向亚洲区主席申请并获许可。)

4 中国大陆赛区参加总决赛的名额分配规则:

 (a) 获得奖牌名额的队伍一定要在当年亚洲某一赛站得到WF出线排名10名之内;

(b) EC-Final 将至少分配两个名额,亚洲主席视情形决定增加EC-Final赛站的参与名额。

(c) 中国大陆子赛区的参与名额在扣除第III.E.1, III.E.2 条款优惠名额及EC-Final 名额之后的剩余的参与名额,将依据中国大陆地区入围世界总决赛的WF出线排名依次分配给相应的学校:

(d) 中国大陆地区赛站的参与名额,将分配给each个分赛站WF出线排名”的第一名。剩余名额由WF出线排名的第二名出线。以此类推直到名额用尽(同一学校counted but 不重复出线,但不是由同赛站的下一名递补)。如果承办学校得到这个参与名额, 不能有承办优惠名额。

(e) 如果剩余名额不足以由WF出线排名同一排名的队伍分配的话,将采用分赛站现场赛解一题以上的队数来排序。解题队数越多,排序越前面,直到名额用尽。

[4 Rules on Allocating WF slots in Mainland China On-site Contest Sites:]

[After Asia Regional contests, ICPC headquarter will directly allocate  Slots to Asia East Continent region. The Asia East Continent Directors will in turn allocate the respective Participation Slots to Mainland China contest sites. The order and rules of the allocation in all Mainland China are as follows:]

[(a) The teams awarded with medals slots must get top 10 of WF advancing rankings in an Asia On-site contest site in the same year.

(b) EC-Final will be allocated at least two slots, and Asia Director may increase the Participation Slots for EC-Final depending on circumstance.

(c) The remaining WF slots which are the slots of Participation Slots in Mainland China contest sites after removing host preference slots specified in item III.E.2 and EC-Final slots, will be allocated to corresponding universities based on their "WF advancing rankings" .

 (d) The remaining Participation Slots of Mainland China will be allocated to the first teams who are listed on the top of “WF advancing rankings” from each of all Mainland China Regional Contests. The left slots will be given to the runner-ups of WF advancing rankings from each of all Regional contest sites if there are enough slots. And so on until the slots exhausted.  (The same university will not advance twice, and neither shall it be replaced by the next university in the same contest site). If the Host University receives Participation Slot, then the University will not be qualified for the hosting preference slot.

(e)  If the remaining slots are insufficient for teams at the same WF advancing rankings to allocate, then team count of each site will be ranked according to the On-site contest sites. The more teams of a site solving at least one problem will have higher priority to get the WF slot for the site, and so on until the slots are exhausted.]

F.  命题

(a)  在近5年内参加过世界总决赛并获得名次的学校(包括奖牌学校,及WF名次12名以外的非奖牌学校)可以独立负责任何赛区100%的命题,除此以外的承办高校可以命题最多50%。合格命题的人,也可增加工业界的人士,工业界人士如果在以前的ICPC亚洲区域赛中得奖且大学排名前10名的,亦可命题,最多100%(特殊情况须经由亚洲区主席批准)。

(b)  关于亚洲分站赛及网络预赛的题目


G.  队伍注册

(a) 一名符合参赛条件的学生在同一年内只能选择注册设定在ICPC官网上   的两场以内(含两场)的网络赛。现场赛与对应的网络赛的队伍在同一个赛场的将算成ICPC官网上的同一个队伍。仅参加网络赛而未参加现场赛的学生与学校信息也将算作一个ICPC官网上注册的队伍

(b) 各分赛站的现场赛的注册队伍必须来自网络赛的注册队伍或来自ICPC省赛、省际赛或大都会赛上注册的队伍。

(c) EC-Final 的现场赛的注册队伍必须来自其他亚洲分站赛的注册队伍。

H.  亚洲(包含EC和中国大陆赛区)规则的补充注释

1.  所有级别的比赛活动和组织,如果用ICPC标志和名称必须由亚洲主席批准,且必须直接向亚洲主席报告。

2.  省赛、省际赛、大都会赛或邀请赛:承办人请直接向亚洲省赛协调人申请: AsiaProvincial@gmail.com

3.  亚洲区域赛承办人请直接向亚洲区主席申请cjhwang88@gmail.com

4.  其它

 (a)   亚洲分站的现场赛应集中于一个至少容纳100队的场地内进行(如学校的体育馆)。异常情况可以请求亚洲主席批准。

(b)   最终的竞赛数据必须提供到ICPC竞赛主页,包括排名、工作人员名单、命题者及裁判名单,须在赛后一星期内上传到ICPC主页。

(c)   对于违反参赛资格规定的学校,将向亚洲区主席通报违例情况,取消该校在当年中国大陆各赛站成绩,并在下一年的中国大陆各赛站禁赛一年。

(d)   参赛费可以提前收取。

(e) 未在本规则中规定的任何条款, 亚洲主席视情形决定。




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