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(2022-03-31 09:24:02)

There are some preventive steps that you can take in order to avoid this error from occurring:
- use any system management tool to clear some disk space and temporary folders so that Windows can build enough disk cache if required;
- if you have large files to translate (such as complex Word files or PPTX files) make sure that you are not using other applications that consume a lot of RAM memory (a good example is Google Chrome or any other browser);
- monitor your RAM usage by opening the Task Manager (CTRL+SHIFT+ESC) > Processes and constantly checking what applications consume most RAM memory and make sure that you close them if they are not required at that moment.

If you know that you constantly work with complex or large files the best option would be to add more RAM memory to your computer and install a 64bits operating system to make sure that all RAM memory is being used.


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