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(2016-08-30 11:59:03)


内容来源:分享美国 地址链接:http://go.usa.gov/xWgZJ


欧巴马总统亲自参加360度介绍优胜美地国家公园(Yosemite National Park)景观的展示,成为第一位实践虚拟现实的在任总统。


国家地理杂志(National Geographic)与脸书(Facebook)敖库路斯视觉工作室(Oculus Studios)和虚拟现实专家费利克斯∙保罗的视觉工作室(Felix Paul Studios)共同制作了这部可以免费观看的视频。为了纪念国家公园管理局(National Park Service)成立100周年,视频于8月25日面世,可通过三星(Samsung)的虚拟现实头戴装置(Gear VR)和脸书的360度视频服务观看。不久也可通过敖库路斯双目镜(Oculus Rift)装置观看。


这部视频为人们欣赏优胜美地引人入胜的各种景观提供了一个机会,例如视频开始时展示了巨大的船長岩(El Capitan rock),随后人们可以见到蝴蝶谷(Mariposa Grove)中高高耸立的加州紅木和优胜美地峡谷中奔腾的默塞德河(Merced River)等。你似乎可以触摸到周围长长的青草,还令人有乘独木舟在河水中漂流的真实感。

摄影团队拍摄了今年6月欧巴马携家人在加利福尼亚州(California)参观这所公园的画面。在这部视频中,欧巴马总统就气候变化问题发表了讲话,背景是739公尺高的优胜美地瀑布(Yosemite Falls)。欧巴马总统还在另外一个林木环绕、人数比较少的场合与优胜美地国家公园园长唐∙纽巴彻(Don Neubacher)谈到鼓励孩子们参观国家公园的重要性。在视频的最后,欧巴马总统告诫人们注意野火和冰川融化造成的威胁,并采取行动保护环境。

国家地理杂志负责社交媒体事务的副总裁的拉吉夫∙默迪(Rajiv Mody)说,“这是我们的下一个边界。”他表示,虚拟现实技术有助于人们获得自己可能无法亲身经历的体验。


President Obama has become the first sitting U.S. president to project himself into virtual reality (VR) — in this case, a 360-degree representation of Yosemite National Park.

The 11-minute VR video, narrated by Obama, is one part paean to the wonders of America’s national parks and one part warning of the threat posed by climate change. It also shows how powerful VR can be when done right.

National Geographic joined Facebook’s Oculus Studios and VR specialists Felix & Paul Studios to produce the free video, which arrived on August 25 to mark the centennial of the National Park Service. It’s available on Samsung’s Gear VR headset and through Facebook’s 360-degree video service. It’s coming soon to the Oculus Rift headset.


The video affords viewers a chance to marvel at Yosemite’s natural wonders, from the giant El Capitan rock formation that opens the video to the tall sequoia trees filling Mariposa Grove and the Merced River rushing through Yosemite Valley. You can almost touch the surrounding tall grass; later in the video, it feels as though you’re floating in a real canoe.

Crews captured Obama’s June visit to the California park with his family. In the video, Obama addresses an audience on climate change, with the 739-meter Yosemite Falls as a backdrop. In a more intimate setting, surrounded by trees, Obama speaks with Yosemite Superintendent Don Neubacher on the importance of exposing kids to national parks. The video concludes with Obama urging viewers to address threats to wildlife like wildfires and melting glaciers.

“This is the next frontier,” said Rajiv Mody, National Geographic’s vice president for social media. The VR technology, he said, can take people “to experiences they aren’t able to necessarily experience on their own.”


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