(2016-08-15 09:06:41)8月10日公布的一份联邦报告指出,巴尔的摩警方使用过度武力并对黑人有惯常歧视行为。美国司法部和巴尔的摩市警察局据此一致认为,警方需要改革。
巴尔的摩警察局局长凯文·戴维斯(Kevin Davis)说,今年已有六名犯有极严重违规行为的警官被解职。
巴尔的摩市警察局局长和市长斯蒂法妮·罗林斯-布莱克(Stephanie Rawlings-Blake)共同承诺,将把这份报告作为全面改革的蓝图。
联邦司法部民权处负责人瓦尼塔·古普塔(Vanita Gupta)说,具有法庭执行力的命令将责成警方机构必须落实程序改革,否则将面临起诉。
联邦司法部也对其他城市的警察部门展开了类似的深入调查,其中包括芝加哥(Chicago)、克里夫兰(Cleveland)、新墨西哥州的阿尔伯克基(Albuquerque, New Mexico)、以及密苏里州的弗格森(Ferguson, Missouri)等。
州检察长、巴尔的摩市最高检察官马莉林·莫斯比(Marilyn Mosby)表示,她料到这份报告会“证实我们市里许多人已经知道或者亲身经历过的情况”。
这次联邦调查是在2015年4月发生了25岁的黑人青年弗雷迪·格雷(Freddie Gray)带着手铐脚镣没有保护地坐在警车后坐、随后因脊髓受伤而死亡的事件后展开的。格雷的死亡引发抗议行动,导致巴尔的摩市爆发了几十年来最大的骚乱。
Baltimore police, under scrutiny
for racial bias, promise changes
The U.S. Justice Department and the Baltimore Police Department
agreed the police need to
The report, the culmination of a yearlong investigation into one of the country’s largest police forces, found that officers made a large number of stops — mostly in poor black neighborhoods — with dubious justification and unlawfully arrested citizens when officers “did not like what those individuals said.”
Baltimore Police Commissioner Kevin Davis said six officers who committed egregious violations have been fired this year.
“Fighting crime and having a better, more respectful relationship with the community are not mutually exclusive endeavors. We don’t have to choose one or the other. We’re choosing both. It’s 2016,” Davis said.
The commissioner and Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake promised the report would serve as a blueprint for sweeping changes.
The court-enforceable directive will force the police agency to commit to improving its procedures to avoid a lawsuit. The decree likely will not be finalized for many months, said Vanita Gupta, the head of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division.
The Justice Department has undertaken similar wide-reaching
investigations into the police in Chicago;
Federal investigators spent more than a year interviewing Baltimore residents, police officers, prosecutors, public defenders and elected officials, as well as riding along with officers on duty and reviewing documents and complaints.
“Nearly everyone who spoke to us … agreed the Baltimore Police Department needs sustainable reform,” Gupta said.
State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby, the city’s top prosecutor, said she expected the report to “confirm what many in our city already know or have experienced firsthand.”
“While the vast majority of Baltimore city police officers are good officers, we also know that there are bad officers and that the department has routinely failed to oversee, train, or hold bad actors accountable,” she said in a statement.
The federal investigation was launched after the April 2015 death
of Freddie Gray, a 25-year-old black man whose neck was broken
while he was handcuffed and shackled but left unrestrained in the
back of a police van. The death set off protests and
Six officers, three white and three black, were charged in