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(2016-08-15 08:57:23)

内容来源: 分享美国 地址链接:http://go.usa.gov/xjRqJ



白宫数字媒体官员贾森·戈德曼(Jason Goldman)在宣布这一消息时说(英文),白宫的这个信使机器人(Messenger bot)——全球各地政府中的首例——“将使信息交往如同在最亲密朋友之间一样方便”。

在美国建国早期,与总统面对面交流并非特别异常。亚伯拉罕·林肯(Abraham Lincoln)总统就曾有固定的接待公众来访的办公时间。19世纪80年代,电话代替了许多登门拜访。1994年,白宫开设第一个网站,让民众可以在网上与总统联系。

通过白宫信使机器人与总统联系的程序是:登陆白宫脸书网页(White House Facebook page),然后点击“信息”(Message)即可。




People can now send a note to President Obama by messaging the White House on Facebook.

The White House’s Messenger bot, the first of its kind for any government the world over, “will make it as easy as messaging your closest friends,” said Jason Goldman, the White House’s chief digital officer, in an announcement.

Face-to-face time with the president wasn’t all that unusual in the country’s early years. Abraham Lincoln used to have regular office hours for the public to come in and visit. Telephones replaced personal visits in the 1880s. In 1994, the White House launched its first website, allowing people to contact the president online.

Here’s how the bot works: Go to the White House Facebook page and click “Message” to get in touch with the president.

“It’s about creating opportunities for people to engage with their government in new and accessible ways, using the same technologies we already rely on in our daily lives,” Goldman said.


Obama likes technology. When he was a candidate for president, Obama was asked to name his worst habit. He said it was checking his BlackBerry mobile phone. That’s one of five little-known facts about President Obama


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