(2014-04-28 14:47:58)
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分类: 环境与能源 |
美国邮政管理局(U.S. Postal Service)于4月22日新发行了一种国际邮资邮票,是受到由美国科学家研发的地球气候模型中的海平面水温模拟的启发而设计的。
这种圆形邮票(如上图所示)于地球日(Earth Day)发行,在邮票的地球图像中,北美洲居中,四周是蓝色、绿色和红色的区间,代表海平面的不同水温。该邮票可用于寄往世界各地的邮件。
根据4月22日刊载在商务部网站上的一篇博客文章,美国国家海洋与大气层管理局(NOAA)官员马克·谢弗(Mark Schaefer)表示,新邮票彰显了国家海洋与大气管理局的科研人员及合作伙伴的工作,他们制作了用于了解气候和天气变化的模型。谢弗说:“这些全球模型是了解我们这个不断发展的星球的种种变化的关键……而且是海洋与大气管理局每天提供的环境信息的主要来源。”他说,这些信息能帮助有关社区以更强的适应力面对气候变化。
这幅海平面水温图像是从公民推荐的作品中公开遴选出来的。该图像由海洋与大气管理局的地球物理流体动力学实验室(Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory)制作,该实验室的科研团队自1960年代以来一直致力于模拟海洋和大气的活动方式。
该实验室的汤姆·德尔沃思(Tom Delworth)指出,科研人员一直在利用气候模型来确定造成干旱的原因,例如1970-80年代在非洲撒哈拉沙漠以南地区发生的干旱就与海平面水温变化造成降雨向南移动有关联。气候和渔业科研人员致力于分析海洋发生的种种变化如何影响鱼类分布的位置和数量,从而影响沿岸社区的经济。
Read more: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/chinese/inbrief/2014/04/20140424298246.html#ixzz30A3XV4wr
New U.S. Stamp Celebrates Climate Science
The U.S. Postal Service unveiled a new international-rate stamp April 22 that was inspired by a simulation of sea-surface temperatures from a model of the Earth’s climate developed by U.S. scientists.
The round stamp (shown above), released on Earth Day, depicts the globe with North America in the center, surrounded by bands of blue, green and red, signifying the varying temperatures of sea-surface waters. It will be used on mail sent around the world.
The stamp is a tribute to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) scientists and partners who develop models for understanding climate and weather changes, said NOAA’s Mark Schaefer, according to an April 22 Commerce Department blog post. “These global models are key to understanding changes in our dynamic planet … and they are major sources of the environmental intelligence NOAA provides each day,” Schaefer said. This information helps communities become more resilient in the face of climate changes, he added.
The sea-surface-temperature image was chosen through a public process that began with suggestions from citizens. It came from NOAA’s Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, where teams of scientists have been modeling the behavior of the oceans and atmosphere since the 1960s.
The laboratory’s Tom Delworth noted that scientists have used climate models to determine the causes of droughts, citing the example of a drought in the 1970s and ’80s in sub-Saharan Africa that was linked to changes in sea-surface temperatures that shifted rains southward. Climate and fishery scientists analyze how changes in the oceans will affect the location and abundance of fish species and thus the economies of coastal communities.
A short video on the stamp is available on YouTube, and more on the stamp can be found on NOAA’s website.
Read more: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/english/inbrief/2014/04/20140423298208.html#ixzz30A3ZH0GE