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【福州·记忆】Lost Fuzhou(Jimmy5353创作的3D模型)

(2010-02-18 19:14:44)









分类: 活动记录

当我欣赏这些模型时, 有种别样的滋味在心头...






Fuzhou (Foochow), China, was one of the first five cities open to the world in the 1840s. The City has a number of European-style buildings constructed between the 1840s and the 1930s. Many buildings were localised with additional Chinese architectural features, meanning that they not only contain some basic Western architectural design (e.g. arch), but also unique Chinese styles (e.g. high-roof end). The majority of European-style buildings are concentrated in a district named Cangshan where 17 Countries' Consulates were located by the 1910s. Unfortunately, since the 1950s, more than 70% of these buildings have never been well protected or even maintained. They are either used as civilian residences or abandoned. This collection intends to show some local authorities and people the locations, shapes and importance of such unique urban fabric, and hope that they will look at the city and buildings in a long-term-thinking manner.


1、Nind-lacy Memorial Church built in 1905

Nind-Lacy Memorial Church, erected in 1905

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2、思万楼 built in 1925

位于福州市仓山区公园路福九中内。民国14年三一学校校友为纪念第一任校长万拔文,发起兴建“思万楼”。楼为城堡形塔式建筑,红砖砌建,三层。楼座南朝北,正对学校大门,占地25余平方米,高约18米左右,楼顶层大钟是英国都伯林威尔逊公园基督堂所赠,钟为紫铜铸成,直径约1米,高1.3米左右。 1988年公布为区级文物保护单位

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3、Main Building of Former Hwa Nan Colleage in Fuzhou

Former Hwa Nan Colleage was founded in 1907. The building was the first building of the Colleage. The building combines not only European architectral features, such as arches and colums, but also Chinese style of roof eages. The building now is used by Fujian Normal University as one of main office buildings at city campus.


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4、The First YMCA Office in Fuzhou

The First YMCA Office in Fuzhou (Foochow), China


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5、St Dominic Cathedral in Fuzhou

St Dominic Cathedral AKA Huong-song-puo Cathedral, was built in 1933, in Fuzhou (Foochow), China.

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6、Former Russian Consulate built in 1866

Former Russian Consulate in Fuzhou (Foochow), China was built in 1866. In the early 20th Century, the entire site was sold to a Christian Full-time School. After 1949, the school was reorganized by the current government. It is now known as No.9 Fuzhou Middle School, AKA the School of Foreign Languages.

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7、Taijiang Commercial Building in Fuzhou built in 1910s

Historical Taijiang Commercial Building was built in early 1910s.


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8、St John Church in Fuzhou built in 1860

Located in Fuzhou, China, St John Church was designed by Engineer T. C. Walkers in 1858. It was completed in 1860.Currently, the site is occupied by the military without any protection or what so ever, despite being listed as a "major historical protected site".

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9、Former YMCA Building in Fuzhou

The former YMCA Building was donated by the 26th US President Theodore Roosevelt, built in 1912.

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10、Former US Consulate in Fuzhou built in 1854

Former US Consulate was built in Cangshan, Fuzhou (Foochow), China, in 1854. The building had one major external alteration and addition before 1900s. Currently, it is used as a general library for Fuzhou Medical School. It is also listed as a historical site under legal protection.

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11、Former HSBC Building built in 1867

The First HSBC Office in Foochow built in 1867

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12、The Residence of Former Customs Officers built in late 19th Century

This model represents the original shapes of the residence of Former Customs Officers, built in late 19th Century, in Cangshan, Fuzhou (Foochow), China.

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13、Former French Consulate in Fuzhou built in 1877

This building was initially built to be French Consulate in Fuzhou (Foochow), China, in 1877.

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14、Former Denmark Consulate built in 1863

This building was built and used as Danmark Consulate in 1863, Cangshan, Fuzhou, China (Qing Dynasty).

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15、Former Begian Bank Building

This is a building buit by a Begian Bank in late 19th Century, used as a branch in Cangshan, Fuzhou, China.

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16、Former HSBC Building built in 1867

This is the most possible looking that I can have achieved. Due to damages and a weak protection in previous century, the building does not look like what it was. This model was built by consulting with people who have experieced and lived in this building before.

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