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11月13日,特朗普接受美国CBS新闻《60分钟》专访,回答了老牌女主持人史塔尔(Lesley Stahl)提出的一系列问题。史塔尔12月16日就年满75足岁了,依然精神矍铄。她大半辈子都在CBS 当主播,1991年起主持《60分钟》节目。我摘译了此次专访的主要话题,与大家分享。
主持人问起近日“民众示威反对你”问题。特朗普:我认为他们不了解我(I just don’t think they know me)。我认为他们有些是示威专业户(I think some of them will be professional)。对那些害怕担忧的人民,特朗普说,我会跟他们说,不用害怕,我们会让国家回到正轨。(Don’t be afraid. We are going to bring our country back. )
谈到推特等社交媒体。特朗普说,那是非常好的交流工具。我不是说多爱它,但是它确实能起到宣传作用。当你把一件坏事套到我头上,或说我一件不准确的事,或者,或者不是你而是其他人和其他网络什么的,当然当然,CBS永运不会做那样的事,对吗?在那个时候,我就有办法回击。( It’s a great form of communication. Now, do I say I’ll give it up entirely and throw out, that’s a tremendous form-- I pick up-- I’m picking up now, I think I picked up yesterday 100,000 people. I’m not saying I love it, but it does get the word out. When you give me a bad story or when you give me an inaccurate story or when somebody other than you and another network, or whatever, ‘cause of course, CBS would never do a thing like that right? I have a method of fighting back. )主持人问,你当总统后还会那么做吗?特朗普答:我会非常谨慎地做( I’m going to do very restrained)。
(Donald Trump: For certain areas I would, but certain areas, a wall is more appropriate. I’m very good at this, it’s called construction.
Lesley Stahl: So part wall, part fence?
Donald Trump: Yeah, it could be – it could be some fencing.)
主持人问遣返大批非法移民问题。特朗普答:我们准备要做到就是要对付那些有犯罪记录的犯罪分子、帮派分子、毒品贩子,他们人数众多,可能有2百万,甚至3百万。我们要将他们驱逐出境,或是监禁他们。但我们要把他们赶出美国,他们在这里是非法的。(What we are going to do is get the people that are criminal and have criminal records, gang members, drug dealers, we have a lot of these people, probably two million, it could be even three million, we are getting them out of our country or we are going to incarcerate. But we’re getting them out of our country, they’re here illegally.
他计划在1月宣誓就职后立即遣返2百万至3百万有犯罪记录的非法移民。Donald Trump said he planned to immediately deport two to three million undocumented immigrants who "have criminal records" after his inauguration next January.)他们很可怕,我们要终止非法移民。它非常重要,我们必须保障边境安全。(It’s very important, we want to secure our border.)
主持人问特朗普:你会让一个特别检察官去调查希拉里的邮件问题吗?你会如你当面对她所说的那样设法送她进监狱吗?答:嗯,我告诉你,我会的,我会考虑此事。嗯,我觉得我要集中于我的工作,我要集中于医保,集中于边境和移民问题,立一部非常好的移民法。我们要有一部非常好的移民法。并且,我还要集中于其他我们谈论过的事情。(Well, I’ll tell you what I’m going to do, I’m going to think about it. Um, I feel that I want to focus on jobs, I want to focus on healthcare, I want to focus on the border and immigration and doing a really great immigration bill. We want to have a great immigration bill. And I want to focus on all of these other things that we’ve been talking about.)
CBS主持人问特朗普:你说希拉里是骗子(Crooked Hillary),说要送她进监狱。答:她干了一些坏事,我是说,她干了一些坏事。主持人说,我知道,可是特别检察官?我想你可能….特朗普:我不想伤害他们。我不想伤害他们。他们是好人。我不想伤害他们,我们下一次的“60分钟”节目见面时,我会给你一个非常非常好的明确的回答。(Donald Trump: She did some bad things, I mean she did some bad things--
Lesley Stahl: I know, but a special prosecutor? You think you might…
Trump: I don’t want to hurt them. I don’t want to hurt them.
They’re, they’re good people. I don’t want to hurt them. And I will
give you a very, very good and definitive answer the next time we
主持人问特朗普:你准备公布你的税表吗?答:在恰当的时候,我会公布它们。可是现在我还处于例行审计中。没有人在乎它。唯一在乎它的人,你知道,是你和少部分人问这个问题。显然,公众并不在乎,因为我已经确定无疑地赢得了大选。所以他们不会在乎。我从不认为他们在乎过。(At the appropriate time, I will release them. But right now I’m under routine audit. Nobody cares. The only one who cares is, you know, you and a few people that asked that question. Obviously, the public didn’t care because I won the election very easily. So they don’t care. I never thought they did care.)
主持人问特朗普:你曾认为选举中有操纵作弊(rigged),现在呢?特朗普答:是的,有些选举点是的。有些系统是的。我憎恨…主持人问:即使你已经赢了你还是这么说?特朗普:我憎恨…嗯,你知道,我不会因为我赢了而改变我的看法。(Lesley Stahl: --it’s rigged?
Donald Trump: Yeah, some of the election locations are. Some of the system is. I hated--
Lesley Stahl: Even though you won you’re saying that--
Donald Trump: I hated-- well, you know, I’m not going to change my mind just because I won. But I would rather see it where you went with simple votes.)
主持人问特朗普不拿总统薪水之事,特朗普答:对此我从未有过评论,但答案是:不拿。我想,根据法律我得拿1美元,我会每年拿1美元。(I’ve never commented on this, but the answer is no. I think I have to by law take $1, so I’ll take $1 a year.)主持人说,那你放弃的是四十万美元的年薪。特朗普答:是的,我不要拿薪水。我不打算要它。(I’m not gonna take the salary. I’m not taking it.)