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I like China

(2014-12-06 00:51:23)


Ii like china. I plan on playing in China for the next 3-5 years. Dont listen to rumors about me wanting to go back to NBA before the CBA season ends. I enjoy Chengdu and all the cities we play in. I only started 2 games out of 18 games. I am not the coach so I can not control that. I am also a small Forward but i often had to guard the centers and power forwards this season. Sometimes i get in the game with 2 minutes left in the 1st quarter and it takes awhile to warm. I look forward to winning a championship in China. I really dont care about scoring alot. I want to win a championship. I see that the fans rather see the former pros score 40 and lose, But that is not in my plans. I want to see my team mates score. My goal is to have at least 2 or 3 chinese players average 20 a win a title. If you want to see this also, you are officially with The Panda's Friend.


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