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(2012-03-02 12:37:07)





分类: 艾滋病


                Instruction for ALK Capsules

【药品名称】品名:艾立康胶囊。   汉语拼音:Ailikang Jiaonang

[Name of this medicine]: ALK Capsule.  Chinese Pronunciation: Ailikang Jiaonang

【成 份】从略。  【性 状】内容物为黄褐色细小颗粒,味甘苦、微辛。

[Chemical Makeup]: Not shown.  [Physical Properties]: small light brown particles in the capsule, tastes sweet & bitter, slightly spicy.


[Primary Treatment]:Reorganizes the human intrinsic environment, increases immune capability, removes and disperses cancerous cells, removes HIV; to be used for patients suspected* of HIV/AIDS.  

【用法用量常规保生存治疗:建议服 3 疗程以上,视情续服。每日3次,温开水送服。成人每次6-8粒,首月6粒,逐步增加。儿童酌减。两个月一疗程,每服8天停2天,停服有症状反复者,连服半月停2天。病情严重者剂量可酌减,逐渐缓增。病危不能吞咽者,倒出药粉开水调服。

[Method and Dosage]: ① Regular Survival Treatment Prescription:Recommending more than 6 months treatment, its continuation depends upon condition of improvement。adults 6 to 8 capsules each time(In the first month, start with 6 capsules, gradually increasing to 8), three times daily, swallowing with warm boiled water. Children Should take smaller dosage, depending on size and weight. Patient ought to stop for 2 days for every 8 days, but for those with recurring symptoms should continue treatment for 15 days before stopping for 2 days. Those with extremely serious conditions may start with smaller dosage at first and gradually increase the dosage. Those who are dying and cannot even swallow may be given the powder content of the ELK capsules and mixing it with warm water in a liquid like form。      

②提高抗体转阴概率方案:服8天停2天不变,连服 5 疗程以上。成人首月每次7 粒,第二三月8粒,四五月9粒,六月10粒,以后按1112粒服用。病毒查不到后,可以10粒维持。

② Prescription for raising the probability of converting HIV antibody from positive to negative: Treating for 8 days and stopping for two days unchanged, but continue treatment for 10 months. Adult Takes 7 capsules each time, 3 times daily in the first month, increasing to 8 capsules in the 2nd and the 3rd months, again increasing to 9 capsules each time in the 4th and 5th months, increasing to 10 capsules each time in the 6th month, and then continue with 11 to 12 capsules each time to the 10th month. When no more symptoms are found, should maintain a 10 capsules each time treatment dosage.  

【禁   忌】注意加强营养,但服药期间,必须禁忌:豆腐、猪爪、猪头、猪牛羊血、鸡肉、鸡蛋、无鳞鱼、龟鳖、绿豆、白萝卜、茶叶及生冷食品(尤忌冰凉饮食)。猪肉、牛肉、鸭子、鸭蛋、大豆、豆浆可以食用,羊肉不宜多吃。不宜多吃水果。绿豆、白萝卜、茶叶,停药期间可以食用。

[Food Avoidance]: Patient should pay attention to taking proper nutrients. But while taking the ELK regimen he/she must avoid the following foods: Soy bean curd, Pork feet, Pi’s head, animal blood, chicken, fish with no scales, turtle, green/mung beans, turnips, tea, and raw or cold foods (especially ice-cold ).

[permitted foods]:pork, beef, duck, duck eggs, soy beans, soy bean milk, not too much lamb. Do not eat too much fruits. During dosage stopping days, green beans, turnips, tea are allowed.        


[Additional Instructions]: ①After receiving treatment, if the bowel movement of the patient happens to be more frequent and liquidly or even with diarrhea, that is normal in the way of discharging the poisons, you need not be concerned, because continued treatment shall help the patient get back to normal bowel movement condition; If bowel movement frequency is overly high, you may stop the treatment for a day or two for regulating it.


② If some parts of the body experiences pains, it might be due to hidden change in the illness which should disappear with continued treatment.


③If after treatment the patient appears to feel cold, with pains in the limbs, might be due to hidden “cold” (not from a flu)symptoms being expelled and ought to gradually get back to relaxed normal state。


④ If the AIDS patient or HIV/AIDS suspect* happens to display skin rash and feels itchy all over, that might be due to his/her intrinsic poison exiting through the skin glands; you need not worry, just use some water soluble anti-itch cream over the itchy parts and wash it away。


⑤ Some patients might experience dry throat or hot palms and/or hot feet “palms” areas, you may give the patient small doses of a Chinese herbal medicine called知柏地黄丸(available in Chinese herbalist stores) to be taken along with ELK capsules, and withdraw it as soon as those symptoms are gone, but continue with the ELK regimen。


⑥ Female patients taking the ELK treatment ought to temporarily stop taking it during their monthly periods, only resume it after the period is over。


⑦ Certain HIV/AIDS patients experiencing serious complex symptoms involving

vision loss and/or memory loss or other apparent damages to the central nervous system, or tuberculosis or pneumonia, stripe form skin rashes, or cancer, or other sexually transmitted diseases, should be treated by physician according to the symptoms simultaneously;those who might have lymph notes which persisted and would not disperse and go away, should access more advanced tests for cancer or other serious diseases and be treated accordingly。


⑧ Those patients who had obviously lost much weight due to HIV/AIDS illness, but have quickly gained back their weight after our ELK regimen treatment;some of those patients might have experienced muscular dystrophy along with loss of weight, but then experienced significant improvement in their muscular tightening with strength with weight gain after taking the ELK treatment regimen for a while。       


[Things To Pay Attention]: ①Avoid Overeating in recovery. Upon recovery from HIV/AIDS to some extent, the stomach capacity of the patient might have increased such that he/she may tend to overeat and might even allow the HIV/AIDS illness to come back. The patient should especially avoid eating too much meat, raw or cold foods. If his/her appetite had gained, he/she ought to use the guideline of eating less in quantity and eat more frequently to balance it。


② Avoid Overwork in recovery. When the body of the patient has recovered to some extent, he/she should avoid overworking, or resume sexual intercourse too early. Overwork would consume his/her “Qi” and his/her intrinsic essence making the illness in HIV/AIDS come back to harm. Those who don, t avoid early return to sexual intercourse would make the conversion of HIV antibody from positive to negative more difficult for themselves。 


③ If no significant improvement on the symptoms after taking our ALK regiment treatment for two months along with correct food avoidance, we recommend the patient consider changing his/her treatment method to some other medicines。   

【规  格】0.46g/粒。               【贮  藏】密封。
【包  装】瓶装,100粒/瓶。         【有效期】12个月。
【批准文号】 【生产企业】  未定。
[Mass Standard]: 0.46 g/capsule.            [Storage]: Sealed. 

[Packaging]: 100 capsules per bottle.       [Expiration Date]: 12 months after

Manufacturing  date.

[Approval Number]  [Business Type] TBD.



* Note: ① HIV/AIDS suspects are those patients who have exhibited symptoms similar to HIV/AIDS, but their HIV antibody had tested to be negative, including those whose had original CD4 lymph cells decrease symptoms。


② Concerning the definition of “clinical cure”, we mean to designate those patients whose clinical symptoms have disappeared after stopping the ELK regimen treatment for more than one year;the “cure” points to the conversion of his/her HIV antibody from positive to negative。


③Testing of the HIV carrying amount against the number of immune cells in the patient must be performed during the first 25 to 30 days after the start of the ELK regimen treatment, because at that time his/her HIV carrying amount should have greatly decreased;From then on, the HIV illness has been separated from his/her cells so that the HIV carrying quantity in the blood serum ought to exhibit an increasing trend which would reach a peak value before it would quickly go down due to normal body functions。  



             东阳市孙氏本草中医药研究所研制  2011年06月03日重订


Made upon research results by Sun Chuan Zheng Institute of Native Herbal Traditional Chinese Medicine, Dongyang City, Zhejiang Province, China

Revised on June 3rd , 2011.


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