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(2020-01-10 20:55:06)

模型论处于现代数学的中心位置 ,为什么?





         模型论处于现代数学的中心位置 ,为什么?因为模型论就是围绕紧致性定理展开的。



        袁萌   陈启清   110



        Theorem 1. The Compactness Theorem (Malcev) A set of sentences is satisable i every nite subset is satisable.

        Proof. There are several proofs. We only point out here that it is an easy consequence of the following theorem which appears in all elementary logic texts:

        Proposition. The Completeness Theorem (G¨odel, Malcev) A set of sentences is consistent if and only if it is satisable.

        Although we do not here formally dene “consistent”, it does mean what you think it does. In particular, a set of sentences is consistent if and only if each nite subset is consistent.


        Remark. The Compactness Theorem is the only one for which we do not give a complete proof. For the reader who has not previously seen the Completeness Theorem, there are other proofs of the Compactness Theorem which may be more easily absorbed: set theoretic (using ultraproducts), topological (using compact spaces, hence the name) or Boolean algebraic. However these topics are too far aeld to enter into the proofs here. We will use the Compactness Theorem as a starting point — in fact, all that follows can be seen as its corollaries. Exercise 6. Suppose T is a theory for the language L and σ is a sentence of L such that T |= σ. Prove that there is some nite T0 T such that T0 |= σ. Recall that T |= σ i T {¬σ} is not satisable. Definition 15. If L, and L0 are two languages such that LL0 we say that L0 is an expansion of L and L is a reduction of L0. Of course when we say that LL0 we also mean that the constant, function and relation symbols of L remain (respectively) constant, function and relation symbols of the same type in L0. Definition 16. Given a model A for the language L, we can expand it to amodel A0 ofL0, whereL0 is an expansion ofL, by giving appropriate interpretations to the symbols in L0\L. We say that A0 is an expansion of A to L0 and that A is a reduct of A0 to L. We also use the notation A0|L for the reduct of A0 to L. Theorem 2. If a theory T has arbitrarily large nite models, then it has an innite model. Proof. Consider new constant symbols ci for i N, the usual natural numbers, and ex


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