(2019-09-09 17:32:50)教师节,向Stewart老师致敬!
英国Ian Stewart(1945 - )ji教授是现代数学科普专家;前后花费数十年时间,精心撰写了六本关于正确理解现代数学的基本概念的教学参考书(pdf文件,对学生很有用)。请见本文附件。
Concepts of Modern Mathematics is a 1975 book by mathematician and science popularizer Ian Stewart about recent developments in mathematics.[1]
The book arose out of an extramural class that Ian Stewart taught at the University of Warwick about "Modern mathematics".[1] In the 1995 Dover edition Stewart wrote that the aim of the class was:
to explain why the underlying abstract point of view had gained currency among research mathematicians, and to examine how it opened up entirely new realms of mathematical thought.
The book is aimed at non-mathematicians. However, there are frequent equations and diagrams and the level of presentation is more technical than some of Stewart's other popular books such as Flatterland. Topics covered include 1.analytic geometry,
2.set theory, 3.abstract algebra, 4.group theory, 5.topology, 6.probability.